Public Notice No. 9007




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with W.S. §22-29-109 that a hearing is to be held on behalf of those petitioning for a service and improvement district before the County Commissioners as follows:
1. The name of the proposed district shall be the “Cottonwood Acres Improvement and Special District.”
2. The proposed district is located within Goshen County, Wyoming, and the boundaries of the district and the land situated therein are described with particularity as follows: The real property located in Tract 1, Lots 1 through 19,and Tract II, Lots 1 through 19 and two Community Tracts of Cottonwood Acres, a subdivision in Goshen County, Wyoming, according to the recorded plat, and is more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the south quarter of Section 9, Township 24 North, Range 61 West, monumented by a well marked brass cap driving flush with the asphalt on the Goshen County Country Club Road, thence N89º07’21”W, along the south line of the SW1/4 of Section 9, a distance of 848.47 feet; thence N00º14’39”E, parallel to the west line of the SW1/4 of Section 9, a distance of 1293.90 feet; thence S89º07’21”E, parallel to the south line of the SW1/4 of Section 9, a distance of 200.01 feet; thence S00º14’39”W, parallel to the west line of the SW1/4 of Section 9, a distance of 306.73 feet; thence S41º39’50”E, a distance of 971.39 feet to a point on the North-South centerline of Section 9; thence S00º19’48”W along said North-South centerline of Section 9, a distance of 271.41 feet to the point of beginning, containing 15.313 acres more or less.


Beginning at a point which is located on the South boundary of the SW1/4 of said Section 9, a distance of 848.47 feet – N89º07’21”W from the South Quarter Corner of Section 9, with said South Quarter Corner of Section 9 being monumented with a brass cap marked P.E.L.S. #677 driven flush with the asphalt on the Goshen County Country Club Road; then N89º07’21”W (with all bearings in this description being astronomically based on a solar observation taken at the Northwest corner of Section 9) along the South boundary of the SW1/4 of Section 9, a distance of 720.00 feet; thence N00º14’39”E parallel to the West boundary of SW1/4 of Section 9, a distance of 778.60 feet; thence S89º07’21”E along a line which is parallel with the South boundary of the SW1/4 of Section 9, a distance of 720.00 feet; thence S00º14’39”W along a line which is parallel with the West boundary of the SW1/4 of Section 9 and along the West boundary of Cottonwood Acres Subdivision, a distance of 778.6 feet to the point of beginning. (The parcel contains 12.869 acres more or less).
3. The general purpose of the proposed district set forth in W.S. 18-21-101 es seq. allows Cottonwood Acres Improvement and Service District the opportunity to apply for federal or state grants and loans to fund public works improvements. Currently, Cottonwood Acres Subdivision is a privately- owned public water system, PWS WY5601233. Private public water systems are not eligible for federal or state grants and loans.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the time and place of the hearing shall be: Tuesday the 2nd day of July 2024, at 10:00 A.M., in the Goshen County Commissioner’s Room in the Courthouse, in Torrington, Wyoming.
All written requests for exclusion from the proposed district or inclusion of land into the proposed district shall be heard and considered. All interested persons shall be heard concerning any and all matters affecting the creation of the district.

The filed petition, Department of Revenue verification letter, Goshen County Assessor verification letter as well as the Certificate of Petition from the Goshen County Clerk are available at the Goshen County Clerk’s office and shall be provided to any person who requests a copy by calling Goshen County Clerk at 307-532-4051, or by writing to Goshen County Clerk, P.O. Box 160, Torrington, WY 82240.

Dated this 29th day of May 2024.

Mary B. Feagler, Goshen County Clerk

Public Notice No. 9007 published in the Torrington Telegram on June 5 and 12, 2024.