Public Notice No. 8280



Tuesday July 18 and 19, 2022
The Board of County Commissioners held the duly published budget hearing for the public at 7pm July 18, 2022.  There were no guests present and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date (July 18, 2022) at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners Chambers with the following members present Chairman John Ellis, Vice Chairman Cody Cox, Commissioner Justin Burkart and Cindy Kenyon, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board.  The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the agenda and the minutes of the last meeting, seconded and passed.
The Clerk presented the Sheriff’s report. The earnings report for the month of March is $1620.00. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the Sheriff’s Commissary and Earnings reports, seconded and passed.
Rod Vineyard and Jim House appeared and spoke regarding Road 44/Mers Hill.
County Planner Mike Tietjen presented the Final Plat of the Crowe Subdivision and recommended a do pass from the Planning Commission. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the Final Plat of the Crowe Subdivision, seconded and passed.

Commissioner Burkart moved to recess the Commission meeting and convene as the Goshen County Board of Equalization. County Assessor Debbi Surratt did not have any tax protests to present. Hearing no appeals, Commissioner Burkart moved to adjourn the Board of Equalization Meeting, seconded and passed.
The Commission reconvened as the Board of County Commissioners.
Deputy Wes Deen stood for questions regarding the Sheriff’s report. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the Sheriff’s report as previously presented, seconded and passed.
County Treasurer Leticia Dominguez was unable to attend the meeting today. Commissioner Cox moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded and passed.    
County Clerk Cindy Kenyon presented the Clerks monthly report. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the updated warrant report, seconded and passed. Commissioner Cox moved to approve three employee bonds, seconded and passed. Commissioner Burkart moved to accept the County Clerks report, seconded and passed.
Library board member Ellen Creagar updated the Commissioners on events at the Library. Commissioner Cox moved to accept the Library report, seconded and passed.
Public Health presented a contract between Goshen County and the Wyoming Department of Health for Maternal Child Health services in the amount of $86,575. Commissioner Burkart moved to approve the contract as presented, seconded and passed.
The Clerk presented Resolution 2022-07 A Resolution Appointing a Special Prosecutor. Commissioner Cox moved to approve Resolution 2022-07 as presented, seconded and passed.
The Commissioners considered seats to be appointed to county board seats. Commissioner Burkart moved to appoint Larry Curtis to the Planning Commission, Dan Ellis to the Care Center Joint Powers Board, and Scott Prussia to the lodging tax board, seconded and passed. The Commissioners thank all of those willing to serve on County Boards.
The County Clerk presented the County Budget for fiscal year 2023 and Resolution 2022-08 Appropriating said funds. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the proposed budget and Resolution 2022-08 Appropriating said funds, seconded and passed. The full budget is available at  
The Commission adjourned at 10:48 am. The next regular meeting will be August 2, 2022 at the usual place and time. (approved for publication)

Attest: _______________________________        ___________________________________
    Cynthia Kenyon                    John Ellis, Chairman
    Goshen County Clerk                Goshen County Commission

Public Notice No. 8280 published in the Torrington Telegram on July 29, 2022.