Yoder council appeals section of ordinance for Lacy Street

Gabrielle David
Posted 9/11/24

YODER – The Yoder Town Council held their regular council meeting for September Monday at the Yoder Community Building.  

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Yoder council appeals section of ordinance for Lacy Street


YODER – The Yoder Town Council held their regular council meeting for September Monday at the Yoder Community Building.  

The council began their meeting with the pledge of allegiance. 

Next item was to approve the September agenda. The motion carried. They then moved to approve the August 2025 meeting minutes. This motion also carried. The council voted on the approval of the special meeting minutes, and it was approved. 

The council moved onto the bills for August. These bills were AFLAC, Wheatland Garage Door, Verizon, WYRULEC, One Call and Dana Kerper. 

After clarifying questions and comments, the motion carried. 

The council then opened the floor to public comments. One community member had a comment about a building permit for an outside grill. More specifications were needed so the council will return to the situation at a later date. 

Next on the agenda was new business. 

The council discussed ordinance #38 for Lacy Street. The council agreed to appeal section one of the ordinance, as it seemed unnecessary. 

“I was thinking we ought to just repeal Section one,” town attorney Colby Sturgeon said. “Just do away with it because all Section one says is that we have a through street. However, we can put stop signs up on the east and west side of Lacey and Main Street. Well, if we’re not going to have Lacy Street be a through street, I was thinking let’s just repeal it and that way we can put stop signs, and you know do whatever we need to with that property. Because I did a little bit of looking, and all a through St. means is that other streets yield the right of way to it, right. So, I mean that’s all we’re really talking about here and if we’re you know we’re just trying to make our current infrastructure match it, you know. I was thinking let’s just do away with it and then you could, you know, manage traffic really however we wanted.”

This can be changed after three readings. 

Next was a catering permit for the Hawk Springs Emporium to cater the upcoming fire department fundraiser on September 27.

The catering permit was approved. 

Up next was to approve the campaign for continuation of the Fifth Penny Tax. After explanation and discussion, the motion carried.

From there, the council asked if there was any old business to be discussed. They discussed what the prices of a splash pad and its maintenance. 

Next on the agenda was maintenance items led by Rod Weyrich. There is an upcoming sanitary survey on September 19. 

Then, Sturgeon led legal items. There were no legal items on the agenda to discuss. 

Administrative items where next on the agenda. First was an open house next month, but details are still unclear. There is an upcoming trunk or treat which needs more discussion. They have been working on cybersecurity and more on the subject will come along later. 

The final discussion under this was a consideration of sponsorship for the Goshen County Veterans Banner Program. The sponsorship money was not in the budget. After discussion, the board decided the money could be saved away for the cost of putting the banners up in Yoder. They did note, if the people of Yoder wanted to put up a banner but needed assistance, they would be able to use the sponsorship money to assist. 

“And just know that like we support that and that we would be willing to work with any families that wanted to put something up,” Amanda Fogle, council member, said. 

Nothing else was on the agenda, there were a few comments on local issues which are currently in the works to be addressed, and the meeting was adjourned.