Meet your GCSD #1 candidates

Rob Mortimore
Posted 9/19/24

GOSHEN COUNTY – Six seats will be up for grabs for the Goshen County School District No. 1 Board of Trustees during the November 5 general election

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Meet your GCSD #1 candidates



Just after publication of this story, Victoria Hunt notifed the Telegram she is not withdrawing from the general election and will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot. The Telegram plans to run her answers to these same questions in the September 24 issue.*

GOSHEN COUNTY – Six seats will be up for grabs for the Goshen County School District No. 1 Board of Trustees during the November 5 general election. 

After a flurry of applications tossed their hat into the ring in the final 48 hours of the filing period, a total of 15 candidates appears eager to fill the roles of trustees. 

The Telegram reached out to all 15 candidates with 14 questions and the following is the responses for each. Victoria (Tori) Hunt, who submitted paperwork to file as a candidate, has withdrawn from the general election ballot. 

Current board members whose seats are up for re-election are board chairman Michael Sussex, treasurer Carlos Saucedo, and members Matthew Cushman, Justin Hurley, Dylan Hager and Lena Moeller. Of those, Hager and Moeller are seeking re-election. 

Board member Wade Phipps, clerk Chris Alexander and vice chairman Sarah Chaires will remain on the board until their election terms have ended.

Tony Goulart

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

The greatest motivation for seeking election to the school board is the fact that the children making their way through K-12 education now will be in positions of influence and authority in both business and government in only a few years. These men and women, and the rest of their generation, will make consequential decisions that will affect our community and our nation. Negligence in motivating them to the highest standards or failure to encourage them to pursue the highest ideals of the American Republic will set them up to fail and our nation with them. For my generation, that failure may bring negative consequences at a time when we’ll be too old to do anything about it or even to resist. 

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

My skills are in the trades and business throughout several industries in companies both small and large. As the beneficiary of an outstanding high school vocational education, I was able to enter the automotive industry as a technician while earning my degree. As I progressed through my career, I gained experience in the airline industry, financial services industry, transportation industry, and ultimately, agriculture. These experiences included my times as an employee and as an entrepreneur. Educating my two daughters brought a new level of appreciation for quality education. That was accomplished with a mix of private, public, and homeschooling. I have served and continue to serve on various boards reaching across public service, faith, and politics. 

How long have you lived in this school district?

I moved to Wyoming with my wife and oldest daughter in August of 2002. In March of 2004 we moved to our current home here in Goshen County. I am a Californian by birth and a Wyomingite by the grace of God. 

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

Over the last decade, my family’s involvement with the National Pony Express has given us opportunities to bring the history of the Pony Express to students throughout Goshen, Platte, and Laramie counties. We’ve brought mounted presentations to our schools and have had students brought to events featuring Wyoming’s early history both in Torrington and Ft. Laramie’s historic fort. Two years ago, my wife and I opened our home to the foreign exchange student program which in turn led to my younger daughter requesting that she transition from homeschooling to high school at Lingle/ Ft. Laramie so that she could attend with and be an encouragement to our foreign exchange student. That partially led to my subsequent meeting attendance and interest in the workings of our school board. 

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming?

The most pressing challenge facing education here, and potentially throughout the state, is the use of curriculum and professional development to indoctrinate our children and teachers into what is known as “critical consciousness.” Most individuals would recognize it in its most popular and ubiquitous form, DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion). One of its more pernicious effects is to inflict cognitive dissonance in the individuals exposed to its teachings thereby feeding the need for the use of another tool from the “critical consciousness” movement known as SEL (Social Emotional Learning). SEL attempts to equip children to be “resilient” against the cognitive dissonance of having to accept premises that they either know to be untrue or have no context to understand. 

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

Our community has blessings that pride has very little to do with. The fact that we are an agricultural community preserves our connection to the land and our role as stewards of what God has entrusted to us. Our children are not disconnected from something as elemental as food production or even harvesting game animals. The “no nonsense” lifestyle of rural living can create a genuine resilience in our children that is rarely heard of in urban living. In Goshen County, you don’t have to look very hard to find individuals and families contributing their knowledge, energy, and time to the younger generations that will preserve this necessary way of life. Even those children who go on to unrelated fields or to large urban centers will carry with them foundational truths in an increasingly subjectively minded world. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

The answer to this question has more components than just what I’m able to see from my own perspective. There’s no substitute for time spent listening to the experiences and needs of the teachers and staff on the front lines. Undoubtedly, we need to stop the hemorrhaging of skilled and talented teachers and staff. We not only need to make Goshen County School District an employer that retains talent but that also attracts talent from other areas. We need to establish knowable, achievable, and yet high standards in both the academic performance of our students and the professionalism of our staff. Cultural fads, passing political storms, and cultish religious movements seeking to infiltrate education cannot be allowed to derail our mission to educate. 

What are your budget priorities?

While the order of priorities may fluctuate as the board works to increase its effectiveness, one of the priorities I will advocate for is to determine the exact level to which our budget relies on federal largesse and to establish responsible methods for reducing our reliance on it with an eye towards its ultimate elimination. Complete elimination may be impractical, if not impossible, but assuming that it can’t be done and therefore ought not be evaluated is irresponsible. The barbed hook of federal dollars has been used far too often in attempts to circumvent the ultimate authority of parents, and by extension the school districts, on issues of curriculum, policies, and the introduction of political agendas into our schools. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

The answer to this question is both easy and doable. Stop coddling them. Refuse to tolerate the idea that speech can be “unsafe” or that only agreeable speech should be tolerated. Take on a district-wide mindset that we’re not educating children but rather educating men and women because that is our ultimate goal for them to achieve. Maintain the delicate balance between using technology to provide physical security while not acclimating them to living in a state of constant surveillance. Teach them civics. Our society is breathtakingly illiterate when it comes to the structure, functions, and limits of our government and the requirements of a free citizenry to maintain a republic. Stop playing pseudo psychological games with something as sacred and ingrained as a child’s identity. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

Curriculum has a great deal to do with my candidacy to the Goshen County School Board. My first introduction came during the consideration to renew a contract with a Colorado company known as PEBC (Public Education and Business Coalition). The focus was on professional development that would bring with it implications for how core curriculums would be administered. PEBC was problematic due to its relationship with the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement and other neo-Marxist ideological entities. A few months later, the issue of questionable curriculum and curriculum vendors would resurface with the approval of “Leader in Me” from Franklin Covey. In an email from the company, a representative for Franklin Covey bragged about their history of indoctrinating students into the elements of DEI. 

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

Along with the guidelines contained within the Board of Trustees Leadership Governance, individual board members are responsible to the oath taken upon beginning their term of service. The taking of the oath of office is not a trite ceremony administered for the sake of maintaining tradition. It contains within it a public declaration that the individual assuming the office knows what the documents that outline our God-given liberties contain and that they are in such a state of agreement with those documents that they are fully prepared to support, obey, and defend them. This naturally requires the individual to have read those documents. In the context of serving as a trustee, all issues brought before the board must be considered with an eye to that oath. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

Let’s not conflate effectiveness with “getting things done.” The first characteristic of an effective school board is to recognize that fact. Effective school boards must never approve agenda items or courses of action that have not been examined and carefully considered to the satisfaction of the trustees, especially since the parents and students will bear the brunt of the negative consequences of a poor decision. Individual board members are effective when they place the right course of action ahead of any misguided goals for group consensus or desire to “get along.” Creating the circumstances where taxpayers are getting an exceptional service for their money and parents’ faith in the system of education is redeemed are the proof of effective school boards and trustees. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

The four-day school week has been a mixed bag. Individuals on both sides of the issue make good points in support of and against moving to the four-day week. Ultimately, I give deference to parents and teachers on this issue and to future reports from the Wyoming Department of Education on student proficiency. I have received reports that in the elementary grades the four-day week has actually made teachers’ jobs more difficult, and more time is being spent reviewing lessons from the previous week. Clearly, if academic performance shows signs of deteriorating from its already low proficiency scores in Goshen County, the four-day week will need to be reconsidered. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

We need to disabuse ourselves of the idea that these meals are free. Let’s possess the humility and due respect for the citizens having their earnings taken at increasing rates to fund these programs and call it taxpayer funded meals. There’s no excuse for a child going without a meal due to finances while in the care of our district. The system to ensure that would not occur had been in place and was operating when this change to include every child was made. The end result is that we’ve taken a necessary program and eliminated responsibility on the part of parents while driving the barbed hook of socialism deeper into our community. Shortcomings in the prior existing program should have been addressed instead of carelessly committing to increased spending. 

Travis Grosz

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

Student success, I am deeply passionate about ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background or the challenges they face. My goal is to foster an environment where students can excel academically, socially, and emotionally, helping them to reach their full potential in all aspects of their development.

Supporting teachers and staff, I am committed to providing teachers and staff with the support, resources, and tools they need to effectively perform their roles. This includes advocating for fair and equitable policies that positively impact their working conditions and overall well-being.

Community involvement, I strongly believe in the importance of being actively involved in the community. Building strong relationships and collaborating with families, local organizations, and stakeholders helps create a thriving educational environment.

Leadership, While I am passionate about education and supporting students and teachers, I believe in leading with respect and collaboration. I do not aim to impose my personal beliefs or views onto the district but rather to work with others in finding solutions that serve the best interests of all.

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

Communication, I believe in the power of clear, open, and respectful communication. Building trust and fostering collaboration through effective communication is essential in creating an environment where all voices are heard and valued.

Problem-solving, I am committed to proactive and thoughtful problem-solving. When challenges arise, I approach them with a solution-oriented mindset, focusing on finding practical and balanced outcomes that benefit students, staff, and the community. 

Willingness to listen, one of my core values is the willingness to listen. I recognize the importance of understanding different perspectives and believe that truly listening to others fosters better decision-making and more inclusive solutions.

How long have you lived in this school district? 

My family and I moved to Goshen County 16 years ago. 

In what school or district activities have you been involved? 

Both of our children proudly graduated from the Southeast. We were very involved in both sports and academic events that the kids were involved in. Also, my wife has been a Goshen County teacher for the past 16 years. 

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

Teacher Shortages: Many schools face challenges in hiring and retaining qualified teachers, especially in critical areas like special education, and rural or low-income districts. Burnout and high turnover rates are also key issues.

Workload and Compensation: Teachers often report feeling overburdened with administrative tasks and lack of planning time, combined with relatively low pay compared to other professions with similar education levels.

Professional Development: Many teachers feel they lack sufficient professional development opportunities, resources, or support to adapt to new teaching methods, technologies, and changing student needs.

Student Mental Health: Increasing numbers of students are struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress. Schools are often under-resourced when it comes to counseling services or mental health professionals, which can affect students’ academic performance and overall well-being.

 Teacher Well-being: Teachers themselves face high levels of stress and burnout, exacerbated by the demands of the profession and, recently, the challenges brought on by the pandemic and the political climate around education.

Standardized Testing: The debate over the role and effectiveness of standardized testing continues. Critics argue that an overemphasis on testing can narrow the curriculum and put undue pressure on students and teachers.

Budget Cuts: In some districts, schools face budget cuts, which result in fewer teachers, larger class sizes, reduced programs (such as arts and physical education), and inadequate supplies and materials.

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

Our school district’s greatest strength lies in the dedication and commitment of our teachers and staff. Their unwavering focus on student success is evident in the positive learning environment they create every day. After reviewing our recent scores, I believe we are on the right path with the curriculums we have in place. The progress we’re seeing reflects the effectiveness of our instructional strategies and the collaborative efforts across the district. I am confident that with continued support and innovation, we will keep moving in the right direction for the benefit of all our students.

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

GCSD#1 needs highly qualified, passionate educators who are well-compensated and supported. This includes offering competitive salaries, benefits, and opportunities for career growth. Ongoing training and professional development are crucial for teachers to stay updated on best practices, new technologies, and evolving educational standards. It’s essential to provide staff with the resources and time for continuous learning.

 Ensuring a safe, inclusive environment free from bullying and discrimination is critical. A strong emphasis on social-emotional learning (SEL) can also help students build resilience and interpersonal skills.

The curriculum should be regularly updated to reflect current knowledge, industry standards, and the skills students need for the modern world, such as critical thinking, technology literacy, and problem-solving.

District leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping the culture and direction of schools. Superintendents and school boards need to provide clear vision, effective communication, and transparent decision-making processes.

What are your budget priorities? 

School budgets are dynamic and must adapt to the evolving needs of the district. Each year, budget priorities may shift based on what is necessary to best serve our students, staff, and schools. It is the responsibility of the school board to thoroughly discuss and approve budgets that are proposed by the schools. Our primary role is to ensure that the funds are both available and allocated appropriately, always with the best interests of our children and community in mind.

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

Ensure the curriculum is rigorous, relevant, and aligned with real-world skills. This includes teaching critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, alongside traditional academic subjects like math, science, and literacy.

Teach students essential skills for the modern workforce, such as digital literacy, collaboration, communication, and adaptability.

Implement SEL programs that teach students how to manage emotions, set goals, show empathy for others, establish positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. These skills are crucial for success both in school and later in life.

 Students need to be taught how to embrace challenges and setbacks as learning opportunities, fostering a growth mindset. This helps them develop perseverance and resilience, both essential for long-term success

 Introduce students to different career paths and provide opportunities for them to develop real-world skills through internships, job shadowing, and hands-on learning experiences.

 Teach students essential life skills such as financial literacy, time management, critical thinking, and decision-making. These skills prepare them for independence and success in adult life.

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

Being married to a teacher, I have a solid understanding of the curriculum that elementary teachers are using in our district. Programs like Eureka Math offer strong scaffolding, helping students build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. The Orton-Gillingham (OG) approach provides an excellent phonological and spelling sequence that supports literacy development. Additionally, the Leader in Me program is remarkable in its ability to guide teachers in fostering leadership qualities within students. Based on the data and the direction the district is taking, it is clear that we are moving in a positive direction with these curriculum choices. 

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

I feel a strong school board prioritizes the academic and overall success of students. Every decision should be guided by the goal of improving student outcomes and fostering an environment that is conducive to learning. School board members must work collaboratively with one another, the superintendent, educators, and the community. An effective board operates as a cohesive team, setting aside personal agendas to focus on the best interests of the school district. Effective communication is essential for school board members. This includes listening to the concerns of the community, clearly articulating policies, and fostering open dialogue with educators and district staff to ensure transparency and inclusivity in decision-making.
Board members should remain open to feedback from the community, students, and educators. They must continuously seek to understand evolving educational trends and challenges, while maintaining a mindset of growth and adaptability. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

A successful school board holds itself, the district, and the superintendent accountable for meeting goals and continuously improving performance. Transparency is key, and board members should be open in their communication with the public, always prepared to explain and justify their decisions.
Effective board members rely on facts, data, and research to inform their decisions, ensuring that choices are made with objectivity rather than being influenced by emotions or external pressures.

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

Ultimately, while a four-day school week may offer benefits, any decision should be driven by reliable data and research that takes into account the unique needs of our students and community. I would advocate for a data-driven, thoughtful approach to this issue to ensure that student success remains at the forefront. After speaking with a small number of teachers they all say the same thing. They can provide small intensive uninterrupted intervention. Most state that it is the best intervention that they have ever been able to provide and have seen the growth in the students that they have attended. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

Students need to be fed to learn. Research shows that well-nourished students perform better academically. Providing free meals ensures that every student has access to healthy, balanced food, which can improve focus, cognitive function, and overall school performance. Free meals for all students enhance student well-being, and support families, all of which contribute to a healthier and more successful learning environment. If implemented thoughtfully and sustainably, it could be a transformative step for schools.

Dylan Hager

What motivates you to want to become a school board member? 

My motivation for being a school board member is my kids. My son who just graduated was the 4th generation in my family to graduate from THS. The school board plays a very important role in guiding the superintendent as he leads the district in the direction we want our schools to go. This is important to me as it impacts kids, teachers and staff. 

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

I have served on the school board since December of 2020. My eyes have been opened to the purpose and function of my role as a school board member. I am also the parent of three kids who have graduated from or are enrolled in public school in Goshen County. I have real life experience of the successes and challenges we see today in our schools. I bring common sense and rationality to the table. 

How long have you lived in this school district?

I have lived in this school district for over 35 years. I spent 10 years after college out of Goshen County. 

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

My kids are active, and my wife and I are involved in all of their school activities. I enjoy attending sporting events at all our district schools. I serve on the DAC Committee and the Rec Board. 

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming?

The current challenge I see facing public education in Goshen County is time and energy being spent on issues that don’t exist. I’m not saying issues don’t exist but that doesn’t mean here. In the classrooms in Goshen County, our kids are not being indoctrinated. Any time spent in an actual classroom in our district would prove this. We don’t need to waste time on political issues that makes headlines from the far right or far left that don’t exist in Goshen County. We’re here for kids, not politics. I think another challenge for public education locally and state-wide is the lack of teachers going into the field. As teachers begin to retire, it has become difficult to find replacements. I think the burden placed on teachers to be all things to all students with all kinds of testing demands is preventing young people from going into the field. Those headlines I mentioned above also make kids a little leery about becoming teachers. 

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

We have great teachers and that is something we should be proud of. Teachers who care about kids and doing the right thing. We consistently have kids who perform at a high level in all types of activities like band, choir, speech, theater, FFA, sports and much more. I am dang proud of our State Championship Football team too. I see these as strengths because the success of these kids shows the investment of the adults behind them. I also see Platte River Schools and the 20-credit program as a strength. Our district has seen not one size education fits all and they came up with solutions. We have options to serve all students which is important. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

The top need of Goshen County School District is to focus on what matters. Building relationships, kids who want to be there, teachers who are empowered and leadership that understands the mission. 

What are your budget priorities?

I’m not going to pretend that school finance is my strength. My budget priorities are to make decisions that have the least negative impact on programs and students. Our business office does a great job of identifying strategies to help us cause the least “harm”. The public-school funding sources in Wyoming create a challenge and tough decisions may have to be made down the road. Again, common sense should be the guide. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

I think the best preparation for life is to make sure our kids are given opportunities that look most like they life they want to live. You want to be a welder, let’s go weld. You want to be a doctor, let’s challenge you. Kids need to learn time management, how to problem solve, they need to learn how to deal with being uncomfortable, and everyone involved needs to be held accountable. If you can do those things, you will be just fine in life. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I am familiar with the curriculum being taught in our classrooms, not only because I have kids in the classroom but because we have frequent presentations from different teachers who show us the curriculum they are using and how they are implementing it. 

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

The role of the school board member is to oversee the superintendent, revise or adapt policy, monitor finances, help with district goal setting, and communicate with the community. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

An effective school board operates best when there is a shared mission and vision. If you don’t have that, you get nothing done and waste a lot of time. Another trait of an effective board is when the change they want to see happen has buy-in from all involved. If we want to make a decision that goes against what the superintendent, admin and teachers think is best, we need to think twice about our motivation. The most important characteristic of a school board member is to listen and leave personal agendas at the door. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

I like the 4-day school week as my kids are very busy on Fridays with school or ranch work. I know it has created some challenges, but overall, I think the pros outweigh the cons. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

I am in favor of the free meals for all students and my vote showed that. I think anytime anyone is in a position to help someone, they should. We have the funds and we used the opportunity to provide the meals. I see this as something we should be thankful for. As long as we can afford to do this, I support it. I strongly disagree that by providing these meals we are doing the job of the parents. Proverbs 22:9

Michael Harrison

Hello, my name is Michael Harrison, and I am running for GCSD1 Board. As a father of four children attending schools in Goshen County and having an amazing wife who works as a paraprofessional in the district, there are some pretty amazing things about all our schools. There are also some things that we need to address. I hope my answers to these questions help you learn more about me and what I feel I will bring to the table as you let me be your voice for GCSD1 Board. 

What motivates you to want to become a school board member? 

I love my four kids and their friends! I have seen firsthand some amazing things within our schools. I also have seen some not so amazing things. Instead of dwelling on all the negative, using scare tactics or criticizing situations, I choose to help make things better. I am here to help and want to bring to the Board my servant leadership approach with my favorite mantra of all time, “how can I help?”! I believe that my experiences in life, background in my career, education and being a father of kids currently enrolled in the district, will assist me in helping continue making our district great. 

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member? 

My entire life has been dedicated to servant leadership principles. The desire to be a servant leader began in my childhood in scouting, followed me throughout high school with my involvement in various leadership clubs and activities, and into adulthood with various leadership roles within my career. I have a Masters degree in Healthcare Administration, have volunteered on various boards withing the community and church I attend and am always looking for ways to give back to our great community! I chose to run for the school board to serve our children, faculty and staff within the district, be a voice for the community and help make a positive difference in the education our kids are receiving. 

How long have you lived in this school district?

I have lived in Goshen County for one thousand eight hundred twenty six days, or five years. We moved to Wy-HOME-ing in October of 2019 after living in Arizona for work. We bought a beautiful home that we have slowly been remodeling to make our forever home and absolutely love living in this amazing County! 

In what school or district activities have you been involved? 

My children have attended Lincoln Elementary, and currently attend Trail Elementary, Torrington Middle and Torrington High School. We are involved in Basketball, Soccer, Cross Country, Track, Band, Pep band, Jazz band, Concert Choir, Show Choir, the musical, etc. We also help with back-to-school events, sponsoring football lunch at Southeast with our work group, and are always attending football/volleyball/basketball games to cheer for the teams and cheer on the pep band! I have also most recently helped interview our amazing FFA kids to get them ready for all the competitions they have for State and National events. I also sat on the committee to interview our new principal for Torrington High School. 

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

I think the biggest challenge we are facing in education in Goshen County and Wyoming and the Nation is wanting things to change overnight. We want things to happen immediately. Any change takes time, whether its higher test scores, better graduation rates, better reading scores, etc. Any challenge we face needs to be action planned with realistic timelines and then that plan needs to be worked and shared with key stakeholders (students, parents, taxpayers, administration, etc.). 

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

The first strength that comes to mind is that our kids can be involved in anything they want to; whether it be sports, arts, various clubs, 4H, etc; there is room for every kid to do something more than just academics. ! Next, we have great teachers that invest in our children! Lasty comes the strength of living in a community where I see so many different businesses, adults and religious groups giving services, times and often physical items to the district to help support our kids These are strengths because there is more to education that learning in books and our community has already shown that they can and do get involved in making education a priority in Goshen County. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1? 

School is about students, period. I believe there are many needs, among the top on my mind are transparency in all things, community involvement in our students success, increased support and training for our teachers and staff at all the schools, and meeting students where they are at. If we can have board members that will be fully transparent and involve the community in making sure that no student is left behind, and develop things that will help all students, then we will be giving or students the tools to be successful in life.

What are your budget priorities?

Budgets are tricky, even for the best and most proficient finance people. My priorities are to first understand it, balance it, and then make certain all our goals to cover all that needs to be covered is done in a way where we don’t lose programs that work and eliminate programs that don’t work, people or best practices that we need to keep that better our students in the long run. Transparency in the budget process with stakeholders, students, parents/guardian and the community need to be in the fore front and then we all need to work together to make sure things are addressed and covered that will continue to make out district the best place for our kids to get an exceptional education. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

Success in school and life can be accomplished with increased parent/guardian involvement, community support to develop lifelong learners, additional growth and development opportunity for the faculty and staff dedicated to teaching our youth and then ultimately needs to be the goal of every student in the district; to be successful in school and life! Curriculum, proficiency testing, teaching and modeling healthy behaviors/relationships will assist us in setting our kids up for success. Meeting students where they are and working towards leaving them improved, armed with the skills, education, and abilities that will afford them to be self sufficient into adulthood should be the end result for not only the school board, but for their parents/guardians, district and community. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I have four kids currently attending schools in the district I am intimately familiar with the curriculum. Is it the worst curriculum out there, no. Does it have its limitations and pain points for some of our learners and their parents/guardians, not to mention perhaps our educators that are working diligently to teach it, maybe and/or yes, depending on who you are talking to. Could it be better, different or improved, that answers can always be yes. It is my belief that curriculum need to fit every student, every time; and as a board member I will work collaboratively to help be a voice for our students, parents/guardians, faculty and community on any curriculum issues/ideas/frustrations that are out there. 


What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

I believe all board members have a responsibility to be completely transparent in all activities, discussions and issues they solve as board members. They have a responsibility to lead by example, partner and include the students, parents, staff/faculty within the district, community and taxpayers, that make up our great County. They need to look at all angles on issues, ideas, concerns, etc. and then make plans that will improve the learning and education of all our current and future students. Above all, they need to work together in tandem to model leadership attributes of communication, true partnerships, cooperation and collaboration, patience and grace that our youth can carry with them into adulthood. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member? 

Listen more, talk less! I heard from a great leader that visibility breeds credibility and trust. Is our school board visible, doing things to support the district and letting the community see those efforts? Is our board doing things that gain the trust of the community? Are they sharing their successes and allowing the community to see when things don’t always go as planned, but seeking the help and support of the community versus trying to sweep things under the rug? I feel an effective board member has no hidden agenda, shares freely and openly, involves everyone and seeks for feedback from students, parents, faculty, taxpayers, etc. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

 At first, I was really skeptical of moving to a 4-day week. I wanted to hate it and looked for ways to talk negatively about it. I then sat back and watched the benefits that my own children had in attending the extra sessions on Friday. I watched my sons reading improve with the added focus and help he got at Trail Elementary. I watched my daughter at TMS get math help and improve, and my son at THS get added support from his teachers too; sometimes even on a 1:1 basis. I am seeing the benefits of having the 4-day school week. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future? 

I think giving all our kids the opportunity to eat breakfast and lunch at school without the worry from families on how to cover the cost or juggle which bill to pay to send money with their kids for lunch, is a win/win. Without the support from all our taxpayers, the free meals for our students would not be possible. It is nice to see our taxpaying dollars going directly to helping our youth stay focused at school without the added distraction from bellies rumbling or hunger pains. I would like to see this continue. 

Rob Hunt

I am a proud graduate of LFL High School, as are my three children and my younger brother. My wife is a THS graduate. The education we received in the GCSD laid the foundation for our academic and professional achievements, including four associate degrees, three bachelor’s degrees, one doctorate, and one trade school degree. I have a young grandson who will soon begin his educational journey in our district, and I am committed to ensuring that his generation benefits from the same strong educational foundation that my family and I received.

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

I have the ability to evaluate information and make decisions that are in the best interest of the students of Goshen County. While a board member might face decisions that they personally disagree with, I am prepared to make those choices if they are best for our district. I also recognize the value of humility; I understand the importance of relying on our district’s highly trained professionals who are experts in educating students. The role of the board is to support them effectively.

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member? 

As a child, I started school in Torrington and attended until the 5th grade, when my family moved to Lingle. I completed my education there and graduated from Lingle-Ft. Laramie High School in 1991. I lived in Cheyenne for a few years while working for Union Pacific Railroad before returning to Goshen County in 1998, where I have since resided.

In what school or district activities have you been involved? 

From 2009 to 2017, I served as the assistant high school boys’ basketball coach in Lingle and worked as a substitute teacher from 2008 to 2011. Additionally, I have been actively involved in various school activities and sporting events as a parent of three very active children in our district.

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

Funding remains a significant issue, with declining natural resource revenue over the past decade leading to reduced school funding statewide. Political challenges further complicate this issue. It is more crucial than ever for board members to make decisions based on the best interests of students rather than personal or political motivations. 

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

Our district’s initiatives around early literacy and math curriculum are on par with anyone in the state. I discovered this through conversations with district staff. Another strength of our school district is our staff. It’s easy to see that starting at the top with our superintendent down through our classified staff that the education of our children is their top priority. 

What are your budget priorities?

I’ve heard many concerns over funding and funding allocation. I want to ensure that our staff are fully supported. Beyond hearing that, it would be speculation for me to try and identify issues from the outside looking in. An open line of communication with district staff will reveal district needs and issues.

Make sure we allocate enough funds to recruit and retain talented teachers and administrators. Recruiting and retaining talented staff is essential to student success. Ensure that our district is spending money on research based and peer reviewed programs. Identify areas that may be overfunded or aren’t worth their cost and reallocate those funds where they may be more effective.

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

Ensure students get a quality classroom education. Offer and maintain participation in extracurricular activities such as clubs and sports. This allows students to learn valuable life lessons they don’t learn in classrooms. Additionally, it fosters intellectual growth in areas they are interested in. Hold students accountable. Teach them that their choices have consequences both positive and negative. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I am not very familiar with the curriculum in our district. This is something I am currently trying to become more familiar with.

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

A board member must understand the oath they take when they are sworn in is a serious commitment to the people of our county. A board member must uphold the Board of Trustees Leadership Governance. They remember that they were elected to serve the county in good faith, with the student’s best interest at heart. They must always act professionally, as they are a direct representation of the district. They should lead by always making the needs of the district and its students their top priority. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member? 

An effective board must be able to professionally evaluate vast amounts of information and make decisions accordingly. The board members will have to respectfully disagree and discuss many viewpoints. The board will create and evaluate policies for the district which it must ensure supports the students and staff of our district. An effective board will make sure that GCSD graduates are ready for college, trade school, a career, or the military.

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

I have heard good arguments both for and against the four-day school week. To me, it all boils down to student performance. If overall student performance is negatively impacted, then it will need to be reevaluated. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future? 

In years past free and reduced meals were offered to low income students. This is a must when educating children, as children are not efficient learners when the basic need of hunger is not met. And unfortunately for some children in our county it is the only decent meals they may get. GCSD secured a grant for the 2024-25 school year that made meals free to all students. I think it is a good thing when the school district can help alleviate some financial pressure for the parents of our county.

Peter Kasperbauer

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

I am motivated by the fact that I’ve spent a considerable amount of my time, blood, sweat and opportunities in making a life for myself and future family in Goshen County. In which I will want my children to attend the public school system and receive a similar quality of education as I did when growing up.

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

I have been through a full 13 years of public school across two states and have gone through a full 4 years at the University of Wyoming, so I have seen enough different methods of management and instruction to have some know-how in what makes a good education from my own personal experience. 

Then I also have experience in managing ranches which doesn’t have anything to do with education, but it does greatly help with the business management side of the duties of a trustee. 


How long have you lived in this school district?

I moved to Platte County in 2016 and then into Goshen County in 2019 

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

None other than the current monthly board meetings for the last 6 months

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

First and foremost for Goshen County and partially Wyoming as a whole is the quality and level of education for the price we are paying for it. We are not known for having a great education system, based on the Wyoming Department of Education 2022-23 district assessments, where no district can claim a greater than 75% proficiency rate in any subject on the WYTOPP tests. Then here in Goshen County we have less than a 51% proficiency rate across all subjects which puts us in at least the bottom 8 of all large districts in the state. All the while we spend about 8 thousand dollars more per student than the top 3 large districts in the state. 

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

Our facilities are very nice and well kept with room for expansion without much additional construction. I believe this to be a strength because infrastructure can be one of the most costly expenditures in any organization or business and maintaining an investment holds value. And clean, sturdy and maintained buildings are just a better learning environment. 

Then our teacher to student ratio is about 1:11, this is a very promising figure because it allows teachers to be one on one with each student more often and to be able to be more personable with each student.


What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

An improvement in the education that is being taught is my top need and will focus mainly on that, as for other needs there’s an overspending problem but that comes secondarily. 

What are your budget priorities?

To do more with less and limit or eliminate frivolous spending, also see answer to number 5. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

We can do this fairly easily by upholding standards that should be met to succeed rather than lowering the standards to make success happen on paper. Life is rarely ever easy for anyone and by coddling students we are doing them a disservice. Now that is not to say school should be impossibly hard or scarring, but a little bit of inspiration, motivation and challenge can go a very long way. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I am not familiar but how would you really know it unless you’re there to observe and evaluate it. 

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

To interact with all levels of the education system from the students and teachers to the staff, administrators, and parents to be able to see where problems lie and have the ability to come up with a strategy to solve said problems. Then there is the responsibility of making the education system more effective and improving the district as a whole. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

Honestly, I do not know because I have never been on a school board and won’t know how to answer this question properly without having done the job. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

I believe that it does a great disservice to both our students, staff and community. I come to this conclusion because I have never had a full-time job where I worked less than 5 days a week and know that a vast majority of jobs have the same work schedule. By making the school week 4 days we are not preparing the students for the world after school for older students as well as adding extra strain on parents who have full time jobs and have to find a daycare or babysitter for the younger students. Then by having 3 days off it makes the teacher’s job more difficult because it takes longer to review and get students back into the material being taught. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

It is a waste of money because although it may insure everyone can have access to a meal, not every student eats a school provided meal, some bring meals from home, and a large amount of highschoolers just leave for their meals. So, there will be excess spending on wasted meals that could be more wisely utilized. Then there’s the extra tax burden on the community and state who have to fund the wasteful practice, because it wasn’t a year end line item that had to be paid. It was granting 350,000 dollars flat to fund it.

Ryan Larkin

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

I guess, in a word, service. I am by no means someone that typically looks for opportunities to be in the spotlight. I’m perfectly content to work in the background and stay out of the way, but when I learned that so many seats were going to be vacant on the school board this year, being asked by different people to consider running, and discussing it with my wife, I decided that that could be a capacity in which I believe I could serve the community well if they allow me to.

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member? 

I consider myself to be a well-rounded and down-to-earth individual. I have a knack for being able to talk to people and at least be able to see different perspectives on many situations, even when I may not agree with their position. I also served as a member and chairman of the board for a small preschool in Missouri when we lived there. It was a much smaller scale than GCSD but many of the same principles would apply here on a larger scale.

How long have you lived in this school district? 

Since July of 2018

In what school or district activities have you been involved? 

My experience has been with Southeast Schools or LaGrange as a parent of two students. One of our kids was active in FFA and played basketball for SE, and graduated in 2023. The other is currently a sophomore at SE.

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

Communication is probably one of biggest challenges that we face today. Given all the modes of communication that are literally at our fingertips, so many times we still fail at it for a number of reasons. Sometimes we have to say the hard things, and sometimes we need to hear the hard things. Either way, a civil conversation has to take place, or nothing gets resolved.

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths? 

Students- Goshen County has a great student body. Overall, they are well-behaved and respectful students. A district cannot succeed without good students.

Teachers and Administrators- GCSD has some incredible people working within the district. They are talented and experienced educators and aministrators. We need to do everything that we can to support and promote them so that they can do what they do best. Educate our kids.

Community- Goshen County is incredibly blessed with a community that is committed to supporting our kids. It takes a village…and we have a great one.

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1? 

I think one of the best things we can do as a school district is to make sure that we have the right people in place to make critical decisions, and once we place them in those positions, we then have to make sure that they have the support that they need to execute the plan.

What are your budget priorities? 

I would summarize my budget priorities as responsible spending and being good stewards of what we have. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life? 

Clear boundaries, clear goals and a strong support system are essential to setting students up for success. Boundaries and goals help them to see what they’re working toward. Support lets them know that they don’t have to do everything on their own.

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I am still researching the current curriculum. 

What are the responsibilities of school board members? 

I believe board members should be involved in the community and district events. They should be in good standing with the community and a good representative of the district. Members should be willing to work with each other and be respectful even when disagreements and differences of opinion arise.

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member? 

I believe an effective school board is one that makes decisions based on what is best for the kids in the district. The board should work closely with the superintendent to make sure that the district has the tools and support needed for the teachers and administrators to succeed. The board should be made up of individuals that are representative of the community and school district. Effective school board members are those that come to the table with no personal agendas and a mindset that is open to listening and working with others to accomplish the goals that the board and district sets forward to achieve.

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week? 

I can see arguments for both sides of the four-day school week. Personally, I think it has potential to be very beneficial to the district and the kids, but I think there are some things that may need to be cleaned up or adjusted. Just like any process, I think it’s critical to seek input from everyone involved, make adjustments and move forward as a unified team as we look to constantly improve the district for our students.

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

From what I can tell, this program is a reimbursement plan for the district’s food service program. They are reimbursed for a portion of the meals they serve based on certain qualifications. There are families and children in Goshen County who can benefit greatly from this program. While there may be some that will take advantage of the program, this is the case with any widespread program like this. If the USDA is funding this, there’s no doubt that it’s our tax money being used. I can think of several things that are far worse uses of our tax dollars, than having them sent back to Goshen County to help our local families that may be struggling to feed their kids. 

Tom Massey

What motivates you to want to become a school board member? 

Years ago, Franklin Graham was making a bus tour of state capitols. A group of us from Goshen County travelled to Cheyenne to hear him. One of his main points was that the struggle of our generation would center on the nation’s schools. Attending the next Goshen County school board meeting I did not discern any problem and went about attending to my business and private affairs. Fast forward to COVID. Because of distance learning, parents all over the country were shocked and outraged by the content and indoctrination the children were exposed to. I attended a few GCSB meetings asking questions about the websites of companies that we were paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to. Current board members criticized me for spreading “conspiracy theories.”

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member? 

I read! I study history, especially American history.

My life history- college, military, industrial line supervisor and business owner has taught me that the obvious answer may not always be 100% correct.

How long have you lived in this school district?

18 years

In what school or district activities have you been involved? 

I have attended many school board meetings

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

I cannot think of any other way to describe our schools but as shockingly inadequate. By the Wyoming Dept of Education’s own reporting, the majority of our students in math, science, or language arts were not proficient. The question we must all ask is, why? Are we expending time and effort on superfluous topics? I never heard the topic addressed in any meeting I attended.

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

Strengths? I am eager to be enlightened.

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1? 


What are your budget priorities?

Budget Priorities: Reexamine all outside contracts to determine if there is any measurable benefit. Part of the answer to #7 (accountability) is that the district must be accountable to the taxpayers that the district is spending wisely.

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

We hope to encourage and inspire excellence but only the highest standards must be upheld. Low bars don’t challenge. Low bars are equity.

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

What I know is that the students are not proficient in the curriculum!

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

Leadership. In the current environment I believe the school board cannot rubber stamp each agenda item as recommended. I would plan on spending at least a ½ day a week at alternating schools getting to know administrators, staff, and hopefully the children themselves. The “boots on the ground” cannot be ignored. The more honest input we can receive, the better.

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member? 

The ability to gather information and to weigh all competing claims and to look at the big picture. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

My instinctual reaction is negative because of the aforementioned test scores. However, in as much as it facilitates sports, I am sympathetic. High school sports, track, wrestling, and cross country was a powerful influence in my maturation. Hey, over 50 years later I am still reminded of the “glory days.” I would not want to deprive any student of the benefits of belonging to a team.

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future? 

So let me get this straight. An elderly person on a fixed income, say Social Security, and that thankfully owns a home, is taxed to pay for meals of the children of adults who are more prosperous? Have we really thought this out? This is the definition of socialism, being compassionate with other people’s money. 

Jo Meininger

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

I’ve been a student, a substitute teacher, and a teacher in this school district and felt it was time to experience being a school board member. I would like to continue to be part of the team that gets our students their high school degrees.

Watching my former students graduating last year and noticing not all were graduating made me wonder why and how I could help fix that problem. That’s another reason I’m trying to get on the school board. 

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member? 

My dad was a schoolboard member at Huntley from the time I was born until consolidation of Huntley and Goshen Hole. He also was chairman of the state schoolboard association. I had the childhood experience of having a parent on the schoolboard, which wasn’t necessarily a good experience but a learning experience.

I’m a retired teacher from Goshen County so have the experiences of an educator. I’ve also worked with schoolboard members during negotiations. I feel we all need to work together to get our kids educated and feel I would be a good candidate for doing just that.

How long have you lived in this school district?

I’ve lived in this district my entire life.

In what school or district activities have you been involved? 

I’ve been involved in numerous school activities for LaGrange, Southeast, and Trail Elementary during my teaching career such as Spelling Bee, DARE, Liberty Day, field trips, Young Authors, etc.

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

The first challenge is getting kids to school ready to learn. The next challenge is having the needed time to accomplish all that is expected for the students to learn. Teaching kids accountability and to be able to take information from various sources to make thoughtful decisions is another challenge.

In Wyoming the challenge is to continue to have fair and equal monies for all students anywhere in the state.

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

Our facilities are very good. Our kids come to clean updated schools. Our students have nutritional meals and snacks at school, so shouldn’t feel hungry. The technology is kept up so kids aren’t left behind. We have plenty of resources to use such as books and manipulatives. Approximately every 5 years we update the curriculum in the elementary for reading and math. Higher learning for teachers is available, so teachers can stay on top of the latest studies for teaching children. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

The top need I see is getting test scores up compared to the rest of the state. 

What are your budget priorities?

My budget priority is to stay within the budget. The budget is designated for certain areas such as maintenance vs. classroom. Don’t spend money on items we already have. Check to see if it is really needed before purchasing it. Spending money just to be spending it doesn’t work for me. In one area they may have all they need, but another area maybe short of funds so share it with that group.

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

First, we have to make sure they get a high school diploma. We need to emphasize that they need to come to class everyday with the materials needed to learn. They need to learn that missing “work” has consequences. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I’m most familiar with the fifth grade curriculum since that is the grade I taught.

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

School Board members should show up and be seen. They oversee the school budget, the following of school policies, and maintaining a superintendent. They become the judge and jury of the school.

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

An effective school board should work together for the benefit of the students’ education. 

An effective school board member observes and listens to concerns and then takes that back to the school board to discuss what can be done to solve the issue.

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

In my experience in teaching and taking classes I find that around 3 p.m., after learning since 8 a.m., the learning is done. I prefer a 5-day week from 8-3 for elementary kids. Not teaching upper grades, I don’t know what works best for them other than they are to have more classroom hours. Studies also show that teenagers need more rest in the morning and should probably start around 9:00 am. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

Some families take pride in the fact that they can feed their own children and don’t like handouts. Other families are struggling to feed their children and need the help. Implementing free meals to all kids evens the field, so there isn’t any judgment. 

At this time I don’t know how the free meal program was funded so that could be a factor on whether it should be continued.

Lena Moeller

My husband and I moved back to Goshen County six years ago so that our kids could go to school here. I went to Southeast for my entire education, K-12. I graduated from high school with the skills that I needed to pursue my goals in attending college. Our kids had previously attended a school in Colorado where there were hundreds of kids in their classes. They were getting lost in the mix. We wanted the individuality and sense of belonging to a community for our own kids and family. I first became interested in joining the school board when I noticed the ugliness that was taking place to attempt to terminate Ryan Kramer’s contract. After that I became heavily involved in the school board and have learned so much. I truly value the work that the school board has done and hope to continue to be a part of it. I pride myself in being available to anyone that wants to discuss topics that could impact our kids, teachers, staff and district. I will fight to keep politics out of our district and will do everything in my power to continue to participate in making decisions that are best for the district as a whole.

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

I am motivated to continue as a school board member for a few reasons. The first and foremost important reason to me is my son, niece and nephew attend school in Goshen County. I care about their education and want to protect their experience these few short years. I am also motivated to continue to be on the school board because I care about the wellbeing and future of our community. The administrators, teachers and staff are my neighbors, friends and people that we have entrusted our children with for the last six years. I want to continue to support them and give them a voice.

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

One of the biggest lessons that I have learned in being on the school board is the importance of listening. I have participated in committees for the school district that include staff, parents, community members and administrators. I have learned so much from each and every one of them. These experiences have shown me that all perspectives need to be represented and respected. I pride myself on caring about what is right for our kids and value the importance of hearing from those that are in the trenches. 

I possess the ability to talk to people, speak in public and bring people together to achieve our common goal of providing a safe environment to learn. I have vowed to speak with the people most affected by the topic that is being discussed by the Board so that I can be educated to make a good decision. I refuse to allow politics, peer pressure or follow the most popular opinion to impact my vote. 

How long have you lived in this school district? 

I was born and raised in Goshen County. I attended Southeast Schools from K-12. My husband and I moved our family back to Goshen County to attend school at Southeast six years ago.

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

Our family and children have been involved in numerous activities throughout the district. Our daughter was involved in volleyball, basketball, track, FFA and choir while attending Southeast. Our son has been and continues to be involved in football, basketball, and track at Southeast. For the last three years our son has played baseball with an incredible group of kids from the district on the Goshen County Grizzlies and majors teams. 

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

One of the biggest challenges that public education is facing in Goshen County and the State of Wyoming is the attack by politically motivated agendas penetrating into the school district. It is incredibly difficult to constantly be challenged by those groups that are driven to push their political initiatives instead of focusing on what is important for the students and educators. The district lost a valued and respected trainer this past year because of the political influence that twisted the motives of the company the trainer was employed by. This man had been working with our teachers for over ten years. The teachers had asked the Board to continue contracting the trainer because they trusted him and valued his services. Unfortunately, the contract was not renewed solely because of political arguments. In my opinion, that was wrong.

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

The Goshen County School District can be proud of the community’s support and influence on our students. Time after time we see how the community comes together to support the schools. The most recent example is the Farm to School program. Families in the community donated beef to the district to feed the students and staff. That is incredible.

I am also proud of our staff and teachers. I have sat in numerous committee meetings where I witnessed first-hand the passion and knowledge for education by those that make up this district. I have been blown away by the great lengths that teachers and staff will go to in an effort to do better and grow as educators for our kids. I have also seen them make personal sacrifices to go the extra mile for our kids and the district. The staff and teachers that are the glue that holds the district together. We entrust our kids with them every day because we know that they have our kids’ best interests at heart and are enriching their lives. 

Lastly, I am proud of the kids. Over the last few years, there have been a lot of changes and adversities in the district and the world. The kids have done their best to adjust and continue to grow as good people. The test scores indicate that no matter what is thrown at them, the kids continue to improve and better themselves. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

I believe that the top needs of the school district currently is funding. It is imperative that the school board continue to assess what monies are available and entertain approving programs that provide services to the district regardless of their political affiliation. I trust the teachers and the staff that spend hours upon hours with our kids to monitor the messages that are being taught. I think that it is a dangerous road to go down where the board automatically denies use of funds or programs solely based on a sentence that is buried in a mission statement on a website by the program’s company.

I also believe that the school district needs support. The teachers, staff, administrators, superintendent and students cannot be successful unless they receive community support. The parents and community need to get on board in supporting the district so that these individuals can do their jobs successfully. If they are faced with adversity and opposition each day, they will waste their energy dealing with that instead of focusing on teaching kids.

What are your budget priorities?

I don’t know that I have any specific budget priorities. I trust the process that is used by the school district in approving the budget. The district hires professionals to keep a close eye on the financial needs and situation of the district. Those individuals report to the board and let us know if any decisions need to be made. A significant amount of information is routinely provided to the board for consideration. I have spent numerous hours discussing the budget and specific funds with Marcy Cates while on the board. She is a wealth of knowledge and has been helping to guide the district for years. I also depend on administration to inform the board of grant opportunities, etc.

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

I think that the best way to prepare students for the real world is to not shelter them from it. In my opinion, the teachers should be allowed to inform the kids of every side, discuss the controversial topics and do so in a respectful way. Sheltering our kids from the outside world does not give them the tools that they need to navigate life outside of Goshen County. The district can ensure that students are best prepared by allowing them to explore every avenue that is available to them. Not every kid needs to go to college but every kid does need to be encouraged to do something with their lives post-high school. 

I believe that it is a benefit to the kids in the district to explore classes through EWC that include collegiate and trade school topics. I also think that more hands on experience in the schools should be encouraged. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I am very familiar with the curriculum that is being taught in Goshen County. Our son attends middle school at Southeast and we have a niece and nephew in the school system as well. We are a very involved family. I support the teachers that are teaching the curriculum.

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

I believe that in order for the district to be successful, the school board members need to fully support the teachers, staff and administration when decisions are made. It is not a leadership skill to remain quiet at board meetings and bash the district in public. In my opinion, board members need to lead by example by being involved in school activities, support those that are fulfilling the initiatives that are approved by the board and make ourselves available to the public to listen to all concerns. I do not think that board members that belong to exclusive groups for political purposes are fulfilling their responsibilities as leaders in the district. Our responsibilities as board members are owed to ensuring a learning opportunity for every student in the district.

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

In my opinion, the most important characteristics of an effective school board member are the ability to listen and engage in peaceful debates. There are always two sides to every story and it is our responsibility as board members to make sure that we actually hear both sides. The beauty of a board is that there are going to be nine different opinions. The board cannot be effective if those with differing opinions cannot engage in discussion and make decisions that are best for the entire district. It is imperative that board members put their own political views aside and find harmony in supporting the students.

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

I think that the four-day school week has been incredibly beneficial to most students and staff in our district. The statistics support that the one on one assistance that students are receiving on Friday’s was incredibly helpful and advantageous. There were a few kinks that needed to be worked through but the school district has done an incredible job of continuing to work together to find solutions.

On a personal note, I have witnessed our own children benefiting from the four-day school week. Our kids seem to be better rested, more motivated to continue their studies, emotionally healthier and enjoying time with family. There are so many pressures in the world that seem to pull parents and their kids in different directions. It has been nice to enjoy a slower pace with the additional time as a family. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

I am 100% behind providing free meals to all students in our district. I applaud Ramona Moody for bringing this option to the Board’s attention and making this happen! I will do everything in my power as a Board member to continue providing free meals to kids in the future. By providing substance to all children, they can focus on learning and growing as opposed to hunger. This initiative did not cost the taxpayers any additional monies and is a great use of the district’s funds.

Diane Servantez

What motivates you to want to become a school board member? 

Recently, I read an article naming the top 25 schools in Wyoming. I was highly disappointed to not see any Goshen County Schools on the list. This article has given me motivation to place our Schools on that list. 

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

My past training and experience as a peace officer, school resource officer, supervisor, board member, and education has prepared me to for this role. Most of all I believe the values I hold for my personal and professional life will guide me in my decision making. 

How long have you lived in this school district?

I have been a proud resident of this Community for over fifty years. I left for a brief time between 2016 and 2019 to continue my education. I moved back in 2020 following the passing of my son. 

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

I have been a longtime supporter and advocate for activates for youth in and outside of our educational system. As a D.A.R.E Officer and continued supporter of officer lead educational programs I feel it is important we continue to build healthy relationships between our youth and the community. 

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming?

One of the biggest challenges facing our public educational system in our county and state is the mental health of our children. In a society run by electronic devices our young people are becoming more and more disengaged emotionally and physically with each other. Not only has the way we speak to each other changed but the way we are educating is changing.

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

The strengths in our district come from dedicated staff, students, and families who dedicate their time to ensure our youth will be ready to enter an adult world. However, it is our job as a Board to ensure they have the tools to accomplish this. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

The number one need for our District is to ensure we are doing our best to provide staff the tools needed to ensure they can meet the expectations of the State and District. It is unrealistic to put standards on teachers and youth and not give them the support and tools they need to achieve them. 

What are your budget priorities?

Before making any promises on budget it would have to be reviewed and discussed with the new board. However, I do feel budget should be used to ensure the goals of the district are being met. It is also important to evaluate current programs to ensure they are best practice programs or programs with a positive success rate. It is also important the Board is transparent with the budget and open to listening to suggestions from stakeholders. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

In my experience, building relationships, has been the best way to motivate youth. When adults have healthy relationships with young people, they are more willing to be open minded to suggestions and less willing to disappoint. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

When it comes to leadership responsibilities of school board members, we should have transparency, togetherness, cost-consciousness, renew and improve, give and take responsibility and lead by example as core values. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

I believe creditability and honesty are the most important characteristics of an effective school board and school board member. The first day of my law enforcement career, the late Don Murphy, addressed us new Deputies. He stated something I have never forgotten and live by to this day. He said, “All you have in life is your creditability. Once you lose it you can never get it back. As long as you are always honest, you may have consequences; but everything else can be fixed”. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

When I think of a four-day school week two things come to mind. Nourishing and unnourishing families and extracurricular activities. For both there are benefits and drawbacks. Children with different needs and backgrounds may face different experiences. Which means both intervention and enrichment need to be provided by the school and the community to fill in the gaps where needed. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

No child should ever have to worry about eating lunch in school. Not only do I feel this is a great benefit for our youth it is a great benefit to parents who don’t always have the extra money it takes to pay for their child’s lunch. Reality is for some families school lunch means paying the light bill or feeding their child. 

Valerie Sharp

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

Our Students and Staff are what have motivated me to become involved and run for the Goshen County School Board. Our district is entrusted to prepare our students to meet the challenges they will face throughout their formative years, transitioning into adulthood and becoming successful, productive citizens. We need to understand that TRUST is a large component in the educational system. The students and their parents trust our district to provide the education and resources preparing them for their next step into the future. I am running to help ensure that we meet and exceed their expectations.

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

My work background is in the medical field as Director of Health Information Management. My leadership skills include all aspect of management such as budgeting, supervision and training. My experiences include serving on multiple committees within the hospital setting as well as Past President of the Wyoming Health Information Management Association. I am detail-oriented, goal-oriented and know how to work as a productive team member. 

How long have you lived in this school district?

My family and I moved to Goshen County in 1970 where I started the 4th grade, graduating in 1979 from Torrington High School. Other than 2 moves outside of this county, I have lived here all of my life. My work took me to Laramie County and Sweetwater County before retiring and moving back to Goshen County. All total, I have lived in Goshen County for 34 years, with multiple occasions to return home to visit family and friends.

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

I have enjoyed many opportunities in Goshen County, both at school and in our community. These include participation in: Band, Choir, National Honor Society, Thespians, GMG (Girls Meeting God), Job’s Daughter’s and Softball. I have also enjoyed supporting our local students and community members watching Basketball, Football, Wrestling, Track, Baseball and community performances such as plays, musicals, and choir ensembles. I enjoy supporting our county fair, community organizations who offer fund raising events and attending programs on local history. I especially love events offered through our local churches and 4H Clubs.

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

Financing and staffing are always a challenge to any business or organization. Fiscal responsibility is always a concern when you are dealing with taxpayer dollars. There are many programs offered which are government-funded. We must be prudent when implementing new programs, ensuring that they fulfill our curriculum, enhance our students’ educational opportunities and life skills. Attracting skilled staff is paramount to our success. Offering competitive salary and benefits are attractive. In addition, we need to recruit and retain staff members who love their jobs. Offering an engaging and rewarding working environment in our state that embraces family values will help with retention. People will come for the fiscal incentives, but they will stay because they are valued as part of the team and the community.

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

The main strengths that I see in our district are our people. It is rewarding to live in a community where people truly support and care about each other. It is what has brought me back to this area each time I have left. Along with my husband, who was originally from Sweetwater County, we chose Goshen County as our place to retire. He sees what I see in this community and knows the value that is inherent in the people who reside here. An additional strength I see is the fact that we are a rural community, agriculturally based. This brings with it many aspects of life that are educational and provide opportunities that, unfortunately, are not found in an urban setting. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

I believe that the top needs of our district are the same as they are with most businesses and organizations. We need to recruit, hire and retain qualified staff members who are motivated to live in a rural setting and become part of our team here in Goshen County. Rural life is not for everyone and many applicants come with families who may expect more than our community has to offer. I am sure that other employers have encountered similar situations in the hiring and retention of staff. Having to hire and retrain staff puts a drain on financial resources. This is money that could have been spent elsewhere to improve the services our district offers.

What are your budget priorities?

I believe in fiscal responsibility balanced within the needs of our obligations to provide the best education we can for our students. All money spent within the school district comes from the taxpayers, be it local, state or federally funded. We must be prudent in our spending, but we must meet our responsibilities at the same time. This includes ensuring that we are competitive regarding staff retention. Staff turnover raises the costs for our district and the inconsistency of staff distracts from our students’ education.

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

Teamwork is essential to ensure that we provide our students with the tools to be successful. We must put aside our individual agendas and work together for the success of our students, they are the priority. We are tasked with developing a culture where we value ideas and truly listen to each other rather than listening to defend our position. We all grow when we value and respect each other. How we act as adults is the best example we can provide for our students in their relationships both present and future.

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County? 

In anticipation of running for the school board, I attended school board meetings as a visitor and watched video-taped meetings available on social media. I found little discussion regarding the current curriculum for Goshen County. I have reviewed the school district’s web page and found policies regarding curriculum development, but no specifics. I have reviewed Wyoming Statute WS 21-9-101 Educational programs for schools. Here, the State of Wyoming lists requirements regarding common core of knowledge and skills. The local board is tasked with ensuring that the district provides educational programs which are in compliance with WS 21-9-101 & WS 21-9-102. I’m interested in ensuring that this is being accomplished here in our district.

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

Leadership responsibilities require regular attendance, preparation and active participation during scheduled meetings. Agenda items may include: establishment of criteria for education and personnel, approval of contracts, adoption of policies for operations or student services and review and approval of budget and financial expenditures. Leadership also brings with it a responsibility to develop working relationships with those in charge of management and supervision of staff as well as implementing the policies and approved curriculum.

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

An effective school board will be organized, informed and committed, keeping an open mind and sharing a common goal: success of our students and staff. The board should be diverse in perception and skills, treating each other, as well as the public, with respect and dignity. I believe an effective school board member should spend time in each school getting to know the administration, educators and support staff as well as assessing building and grounds for maintenance and repair. A team-oriented mentality is required to be successful both as a board and a board member. Teams are built through trust and respect.

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

I do not have a personal opinion regarding the four-day school week. However, if elected, I would be interested in hearing from the parents, students and staff regarding this topic. As long as the student’s academic success does not suffer and the district ensures that the educational requirements are met, I would be in favor of deferring to the parents and staff regarding this schedule. However, with that said, I am concerned about how this change affects our elementary age students. I’m also concerned about whether our district is currently in compliance with the required educational hours for the academic year since going to the four-day school week. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

It is fortunate that this program became available and as long as the program benefits our students, I will support it. However, I need to point out a misconception. Although the program is referred to as “free” meals, these meals are not free. The money for these meals comes from our taxpayers. Money allocated from our local, state or federal government comes directly or indirectly from taxpayers. I believe it is irresponsible to our students to tell them that there is such a thing as “free money”. We have an obligation to teach our students real life experiences as well as educate them in the approved curriculum. We fail to do this when we mislead them or represent our personal opinions as school policy. 

Kelly Meeboer Strampe

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

I’m motivated to become a school board member because I’d like to know more about what goes on in the district, and I believe getting involved is the best way. I have two young children who have a lot of time left in school, and I want to help ensure that they and all of the students in our district get the public education they deserve. I also am invested in making sure educators in the district have their voices heard in the decisions made about their workplace.

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

I have been a college English professor at EWC for 13 years. I have participated in budget planning and college board meetings. I am also a department chair and I have been the president of the Faculty Senate at EWC. I am self-directed, responsible, and always excited to learn. Concurrent and dual college instruction for high school students is also something I know a lot about.

How long have you lived in this school district?

I was lucky enough to get my own K-12 education in GCSD#1, and then returned after college at the University of Wyoming to teach at EWC. In total, Goshen County has been my home for over 25 years. 

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

I have attended many different activities for my children at Lincoln and Trail Elementary including musical presentations, Title 1 and back-to-school nights, and parent-teacher conferences. My husband is the girls basketball coach at THS, and I have attended and supported his and other district sporting events for the past 12 years. 

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

The current challenges facing public education in Goshen County are division and miscommunication, high turnover rates in administration and teaching, and a lack of consensus about how to best prepare our kids to be successful beyond public school. I think these issues mirror the challenges present in the rest of the state. 

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

One strength is our small size. I see this as a strength because it promotes collaboration and communication in and between each unique community. I also believe this makes the district safer. I appreciate how the district places a priority on supporting the needs of our most vulnerable students through the food backpack and summer lunch programs. Students can count on a meal and a safe place even during the summer. Lastly, I like that our district is open to implementing creative programs like transitional kindergarten and alternative education in order to meet the needs of all students. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

The top needs for our district are trust and support in teachers, administrators, and the school board. We need to develop and maintain curriculum and environments that work for our students. We also need to ensure that our facilities and programs are leading or staying on-par with communities similar to ours in the state. 

What are your budget priorities?

My budget priorities are to support effective services for students and staff, find ways to maintain old facilities while securing funding for new facilities, and remain fiscally responsible amid changing state and federal budgets. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

Our district can make every decision with our students in mind. The good of the student should be the first priority, and I think considering the effects of every decision on the students will lead to more thoughtful and responsible decisions. We need to look at what works for our unique students and educators, rather than catering to national trends and fads in education. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I’m familiar with curriculum that has been implemented at the elementary levels, but look forward to broadening my understanding of current curriculum being taught throughout the district. 

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

School board members need to act as visible representatives of the district in many different environments. School board members should act as servant-leaders for the good of the district, and not for their own personal agendas. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

First and foremost, an effective school board needs to be open to collaborating and working together to solve problems. The board needs to treat each other and all constituents with respect and dignity. School board members need to be willing to listen to the opinions of all stakeholders, not just those they agree with. They also should be creative in their approach to dealing with the unique issues the communities in this district face. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

I like that the four-day school week gives students more down time during the week, but I know it can be hard for working parents to find childcare. However, the option for students to attend Friday school is great, and I hope more people take advantage of it as we get used to the schedule. I also like that it means less missed school for high school athletes participating in extracurricular events, and it saves on substitute teacher costs on Fridays for those staff members who have to be gone.

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

I think this is a wonderful development for the district. My kids eat school meals every day. Free meals make the day easier for parents and kids alike. I also know that for food-insecure children and families, free meals are life changing. I am fully in favor of this, and would definitely like to see it continue.

Catherine (Kate) Steinbock

What motivates you to want to become a school board member?

I want to help create a positive school environment where teachers have the support they need, and students can learn skills that prepare them for the future. I care about ensuring all students get a great education and have the resources they need to succeed in an ever-changing world. 

What skills or experiences qualify you to serve as a school board member?

I believe my skills, experience, and education make me well-qualified to serve as a school board member. I started my career as a preschool teacher and have taught at almost every grade level, so I understand the needs of students and teachers at different stages of learning. I also spent 15 years as a college professor, where I taught pre-service teachers how to be successful in the classroom. My children attend or have attended Goshen County schools, so I’m personally invested in the quality of education here. 

How long have you lived in this school district?

I have lived in the district since 1998, 26 years.

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

My son graduated from Southeast High School in 2017 and both of my daughters attended Southeast and Torrington Schools. My middle daughter graduated from Torrington High School (THS) in 2022 and I currently have a daughter who is a senior at THS. Additionally, I coached Volleyball at Southeast High School for 12 years. 

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming? 

In Goshen County and across Wyoming, one of the biggest challenges facing public education is funding. Another challenge is making sure students are prepared for life after graduation, whether that’s going to college or entering the workforce. We also need to support teachers better by giving them the tools, training, and resources they need to be effective in the classroom. Finally, finding ways to get parents and the community involved in schools is important so everyone can work together to improve education. 

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

One strength of our district is the excellent teachers and staff who work hard to support students. Their dedication helps create a positive learning environment and ensures that students get the best education possible. Another strength is our facilities, which are well-maintained and provide students with a great place to learn. These strengths are important because they show that our district is focused on giving students the tools and spaces they need to succeed both in and out of the classroom. 

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No. 1?

The top need for any school is to support all students, both in and out of the classroom, by giving them the tools they need to succeed. We should focus on improving test scores and expanding opportunities through career and technical education so students are ready for the future, whether they choose college or a career path. We also need to find ways to get more parents involved in their children’s education by creating environments where all feel welcome in their children’s school. 

What are your budget priorities?

While I do not have a specific agenda related to budget priorities, I would like to see that we find ways to fund preschool opportunities. I would also like to see increased funding for mental health services, so students have the support to stay healthy and focused. We need to ensure that we can secure appropriate funding to continue providing a high-quality education for all students. Finally, I would prioritize expanding Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, so all students have more opportunities to learn valuable job skills for their future. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

To help prepare students for success in the world they will be living in, our district should focus on helping students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. I would like to see GCSD expand programs like Career and Technical Education (CTE) that help students learn real-world skills they can use for a lifetime. Additionally, we need to embrace opportunities to support students in expanding their skills with technology. We must think creatively and be innovative in our approach to preparing students for the future. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I am very familiar with the curriculum in Goshen County. I have children in the district, so I get to see firsthand what they are learning. I’ve also taken the time to read the curriculum council’s meeting minutes from the past several years to stay updated. Additionally, I would like to see a broader push for STEM & CTE programs and curricula across the district. 

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

School board members have important leadership responsibilities. They must work with school administrators to support teachers and staff, making sure we provide the necessary tools and resources teachers need to do their jobs well. Board members should listen to the community’s concerns, but also make decisions that are in the best interest of all students. Board members mustn’t have personal agendas and should be open to change. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

An effective school board is made up of people who have a few key characteristics. They need to work well together and listen to teachers, students, and parents. They should be honest and always put the needs of students first. Good board members should also be open to new ideas and be ready to make changes when needed. They need to be prepared for meetings and able to make decisions, and they should be good at solving problems. Overall, they should care deeply about making schools better for everyone, especially our children. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

I think the change to a four-day week is good for our children. A shorter week helps to reduce student fatigue and increase engagement in school. The extra day provides students with an opportunity to get extra help or spend time in extra-curricular activities without the stress of missing class. I think we need to take into consideration the positive impact a four-day week has on our student’s mental health. It allows students more time to recharge and reset so they can focus on excelling in the classroom. 

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

I’m very pleased to see that GCSD has successfully implemented free meals for all students! This is a fantastic step towards ensuring that every child has access to nutritious food, which is so important for their health and learning. I support continuing this program in the future, as it helps to create a more equitable and supportive environment for all students. It’s great to see our community making such a positive impact on our students’ well-being, mental health, and success. 

Mike Tighe

What motivates me to want to be a school board member?

I want to be a part of a system that places our children at the core of our efforts. I would like to see every student in the district have equal access to the opportunities and resources necessary to thrive academically, professionally and socially. As a parent of two GCSD No.1 students and a member of this community, I have a vested interest in our school district and a desire to get involved in a very worthy endeavor. 

What skills or experience qualify you to serve as a school board member?

Throughout my career I have learned that working as a team to accomplish a common goal is essential to an organization’s productivity. I have attended multiple leadership development courses and I have the skills necessary to work effectively with others to provide the best possible outcomes as a board and as a school district. I am a problem solver and am willing to put in the time to look into issues and contribute to the boards ability to make well informed decisions. I will utilize strong interpersonal communication skills to communicate effectively and respectfully with board members, parents, educators and administrators. 

How long have you lived in this school district?

I have lived in Goshen County since 2016 and am a lifetime resident of Wyoming. 

In what school or district activities have you been involved?

My children attend Southeast Schools and are involved in sports and other activities that keep my wife and I on the go most of the time. I am a member of the Southeast Booster Club.

What do you see as the current challenges facing public education in Goshen County? In Wyoming?

Budget cuts are having a significant impact on the ability of educators to maintain or improve students’ performance in the classroom. Our educators are tasked with doing more with less resources.

Lack of support for educators, support staff and administrators is negatively affecting many in our district. Our educators need and deserve our support as a community. All too often, educators are vilified by certain media outlets for pushing some sort of agenda. I have not personally seen nor heard of any of this taking place in our community. Our teachers’ are well educated professionals who deal directly with our children. I have faith in their abilities and intentions.

Accountability needs to be encouraged. We as parents need to do our part at home to support our teachers efforts, our administrators need to support our teachers and staff and we as a board need to make sure those in our district have the resources necessary to foster a positive learning environment. 

What are 2-3 strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?

One of our greatest strengths are the parents, teachers, and support staff within our district. All too often they go well above and beyond at their own expense for the sole benefit of our students. People in our district regularly step-up to meet the needs of our students and by doing so continue a tradition of selflessness and community involvement.

What are the top needs of Goshen County School District No.1?

We need to maintain and recruit quality teachers. We need to continue looking for ways to prepare students for a myriad of career choices. Whether they pursue further education in the trades, technical schools, agriculture, college, or the military (to name a few), we need to ensure students have developed the skills necessary to thrive as they move forward. We also need to ensure national issues don’t distract us from our main goal, which is to “Lead, Empower and Inspire All Students to Achieve Excellence”.

What are your budget priorities?

To continue to make sure the funds we have available are being used as effectively as they can possibly be. To work with teachers and administrators and board members to keep funding programs that are successful and to look for alternatives to those that are lacking. 

How can our district best ensure students are prepared for success in school and life?

We can provide them with an atmosphere that develops attributes that will serve them well into adulthood. We as a board can support the Superintendent who in turn can assure curriculum is current, effective and challenging, hold students accountable to timelines, due dates and discipline policies as well as encourage and incentivize students to take pride in their work and hold themselves to a higher standard both academically and personally. 

How familiar are you with the curriculum currently being taught in Goshen County?

I am aware of what our children have been taught at GCSD No.1 as it is a frequent discussion in our home. As far as what actual programs and curriculum we use, I will need to spend some time getting familiar. I do however have faith that our curriculum is well vetted and that the professionals in charge of doing so have our children’s best interests as the cornerstone of their process. 

What are the leadership responsibilities of school board members?

The board members should work together to utilize their individual expertise, experience and backgrounds to govern effectively, efficiently and ethically. The board members should maintain focus on the long-term results of effective policies and procedures that represent the best interests of every student and our communities’ vision. 

What do you believe are the most important characteristics of an effective school board? Of an effective school board member?

I believe an effective school board is a patient one that is willing to focus on lasting policies that will produce quantifiable results via test scores and other available metrics. The school board needs to have a clear vision of the results it would like to see and be willing to work effectively with the Superintendent, staff, teachers, students and members of the community to achieve those objectives. 

An effective school board member is one who is capable of, and willing to listen to varying viewpoints and approaches and put aside individual goals to accomplish the collective goal of the board. 

What are your thoughts on the four-day school week?

My family’s experience with the four-day school week has been a positive one. The extra day off has allowed us time to reset and refocus at the end of a busy week. I think the opportunity for enrichment has been beneficial for many students. I do understand that there are many elements that determine whether the four-day week is beneficial to students, their families, and staff and would like to see how it has benefited us a district in the long-term.

Goshen County has successfully been able to implement free meals for all students as of the 2024-25 school year. What are your thoughts, and would you like to see this continue into the future?

I am glad that free meals are available for every student. We all want our children’s time at school to be spent learning and growing. A hungry child simply cannot focus until this very basic necessity has been met. With current prices being what they are I cannot think of a more fitting time than now to ensure meals are provided.