Grammy’s opens in Hawk Springs

Jess Oaks
Posted 11/3/23

Jerry and Terry Kimbrel, also known as Grammy and GrandDad, of Hawk Springs have been married for 47 years.

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Grammy’s opens in Hawk Springs


HAWK SPRINGS – The doors are officially open at Grammy’s, a small store full of vintage fun and various finds, in Hawk Springs. 

Jerry and Terry Kimbrel, also known as Grammy and GrandDad, of Hawk Springs have been married for 47 years. They have spent much of their lives living out west. Bouncing between Montana, Colorado and Wyoming, the Kimbrel’s are excited for their newest adventure in Hawk Springs. 

Although the couple has lived in the area for some time, Terry often dreamed of opening a second-hand shop locally.
“I wanted to do this two years ago and it just didn’t come together for various and assorted reasons,” Terry said, “and Jerry finally said to me, ‘Why don’t you go ahead, on your own. I’ll help you.’ So, GrandDad has stuff here too, which is the guy’s section.”

The store is still in the processes of setting up and they have the intention to make a children’s area where kids can sit and play while their parents shop and visit. 

“Antiques and collectables; they are preloved items that need rehomed,” Terry explained. “We have paperback books for a dollar. We have quite the collection of Louis L’Amour and romance novels too. We will have a few toys and some kids’ books.”
The quant shop will not be serving food, but customers are more than welcome to sit and enjoy a nice cup of coffee while they visit, at the table, with neighbors and friends.

The Kimbrel’s began transforming the once grocery store, located on Railway Street in Hawk Springs, by doing a deep clean of the 500 square foot building. They stained the floor and painted the area.

Over the years, the store had been used as storage units too, but it still holds the rustic charm of the old grocery store days. 

“We still have some to do,” Terry told the Telegram. 

Walking through the store, each section is adorned with rustic treasures. 

“It’s pretty obvious, I like washboards,” Terry explained as she pointed out a row of vintage washboards she had displayed in the store. “I also like picnic baskets. I used to collect horses and we also have horses, so you’ll see a lot of horse-related things.” 

The Kimbrel’s live not too far from the store which will make it more convenient for their customers. 

“That’s why we put it on the business cards, if our times don’t work for you, call or text and leave a message and we will see what we can do,” Terry said. 

The Kimbrel’s are continuing to work on making the shop feel like home.

“We have a radio going with cassettes or records or CDs,” Terry told the Telegram. “We will play your requests.” 

Now that they have retired, the Kimbrel’s have some spare time on their hands. 

“We’re retired. This is something we want to have fun with, more than anything, and draw people to Hawk Springs. It will change here every day,” Terry said, referring to the store inventory. “We are cleaning out two garage and a house in an effort to downsize. I’m offering grab bags for a dollar. You don’t know what’s in them.”   

The Kimbrel’s have acquired the majority of the items seen in the shop by shopping at other stores like Grammy’s, attending auctions and yard sales throughout the years.

If you’re looking for a certain item, the Kimbrel’s would be happy to search for it. 

“You just never know what you’re going to find. If people are looking for something in particular. We still may have it at home or I’ll look for it for them because I have my sources,” Terry explained. 

Grammy’s has a little something for everyone.