Public Notice No. 8710




Default having occurred and all prerequisites to foreclosure having been met, notice is hereby given that the mortgages given by R & R Restoration, LLC, mortgagors, in favor of Pinnacle Bank Wyoming, as follows:
• A Mortgage (“First Mortgage”), dated July 27, 2020 and recorded in Book 952 at page 245 of the real property records of Goshen County, from R & R Restoration, LLC to Pinnacle Bank-Wyoming, which secures repayment of a Promissory Note in the amount of $29,250.00. The Mortgage attached to the Property, which is more particularly described as Lot 14, Rae’s Addition, to the Town of Torrington, Goshen County, Wyoming. The Mortgage was modified in a Modification of Mortgage, dated August 19, 2021 and recorded in Book 965 at page 202 of the real property records of Goshen County, wherein the parties agreed to extend the maturity date of the Mortgage to August 27, 2022. A second Modification of Mortgage, dated December 21, 2022 and recorded in Book 983 at page 7 in the real property records of Goshen County, extended the maturity date of the Mortgage again to March 3, 2023.
• A Mortgage (“Second Mortgage”), dated December 3, 2021 and recorded in Book 969 at page 31 in the real property records of Goshen County, from R & R Restoration, LLC to Pinnacle Bank-Wyoming, which secures repayment of a Promissory Note in the amount of $87,848.75. The Mortgage attached to the Property. The Mortgage was modified in a Modification of Mortgage, dated August 19, 2021 and recorded in Book 965 at page 202 of the real property records of Goshen County, wherein the parties agreed to extend the maturity date of the Mortgage to August 27, 2022. The Mortgage was modified in a Modification of Mortgage, dated December 21, 2022 and recorded in Book 983 at page 8 of the real property records of Goshen County, wherein the parties agreed to extend the maturity date of the Mortgage to March 3, 2023.
As of July 26, 2023, the total amount due and owing on the First Mortgage is $30,811.23, which represents the entire unpaid principal amount and accrued unpaid interest. Per diem on this amount accrues at $6.8814 per day. It does not include late charges, fees, and attorney’s fees. The amount due will increase by the amount of any additional charges, attorney’s fees, costs which accrue pursuant to the terms of the First Mortgage.

As of July 26, 2023, the total amount due and owing on the Second Mortgage is $92,363.81, which represents the entire unpaid principal amount and accrued unpaid interest. Per diem on this amount accrues at $20.7420 per day. It does not include late charges, fees, and attorney’s fees. The amount due will increase by the amount of any additional charges, attorney’s fees, costs which accrue pursuant to the terms of the Second Mortgage.
The First Mortgage and Second Mortgage (“Mortgages”) both contain a power of sale clause, which by reason of the default by the mortgagors, and Pinnacle Bank Wyoming declares the power of sale clause to have become operative. No suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by the Mortgages, or any part thereof, nor has any suit or proceeding been instituted or and the same discontinued. Written notice of the intent to foreclose the Mortgages by advertisement and sale has been served upon the record owner and the party in possession of the mortgaged premises at least ten (10) days prior to the commencement of this publication. The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid.
Therefore, said Mortgages will be foreclosed by sale of the real property described as:
Lot 14, Rae’s Addition, to the Town of Torrington, Goshen County, Wyoming. The real property has an address of 2917 West C Street, Torrington, Wyoming 82240. Pinnacle Bank Wyoming, as the mortgagee, will have the Mortgages foreclosed as by law provided in the mortgage and Wyoming Statutes Annotated by being sold at public venue by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff in and for Goshen County, Wyoming to the highest bidder for cash at 10:00 a.m. MST on September 15, 2023 on the courthouse steps of the Goshen County Courthouse located at 2125 East A Street, Torrington, Wyoming 82240. The sale will take place only if a representative of Pinnacle Bank Wyoming, or its agent, are present. Pinnacle Bank Wyoming shall have the exclusive right to rescind the foreclosure sale during the redemption period. In the event that the sale is rescinded or vacated for any reason, the successful purchaser shall only be entitled to a refund of their purchase price and/or statutory interest rate.
DATED August 8, 2023
    Pinnacle Bank Wyoming
    By:  Jason D. Wasserburger
    WSH Law, P.C.
    508 W. 27th Street
    Cheyenne, WY 82001

Public Notice No. 8710 published in the Torrington Telegram on August 11, 18, 25 and September 1, 2023.