Annual Frontier July 4th

For the Telegram
Posted 6/28/24

FORT LARAMIE – Join us for another spectacular July 4th celebration at Fort Laramie National Historic Site! In the spirit of the United States Military who traditionally held festivities during …

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Annual Frontier July 4th


FORT LARAMIE – Join us for another spectacular July 4th celebration at Fort Laramie National Historic Site! In the spirit of the United States Military who traditionally held festivities during the day, we will start the morning with a traditional flag raising ceremony and cannon firing! Children’s games and authentic 19th century music will be scheduled starting at 10 a.m. Games will include one- and two-legged sack raises and foot races (location parade field). Music will be at the bleachers located on the park’s Historic Weapons/Artillery Range. At noon, rangers will be dressed in period 19th century military dress uniforms to participate in a salute to the United States of America (location parade field). At 1 p.m., join us for a historic baseball game (location near the Historic Weapons/Artillery range) featuring the Colorado Vintage Base Ball Association (CVBBA). The Cheyenne Equestrian Trotters will be on the parade field at 3 p.m. along with the Goshen County Pony Express who will be near the Sutler’s Store. We will close out the day with a retreat parade at 5 p.m. We hope to see everyone inbound over the horizon for a day of fun along the Laramie River.