The Torrington City Council



City of Torrington     )    
County of Goshen     )
State of Wyoming        )

The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present:  Mayor Varney, Council Members Adams, Hill, Kelly and Law. Also Present:  Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Engineer Harkins, Interim Police Chief Weeks, Building Official Estes, Cemetery Sexton Friedlan, Fire Chief Petsch, Deputy City Clerk Kinnan and Deputy Treasurer Anaya.
Mayor Varney called the meeting to order.
Building Official Estes led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Varney stated he wanted to amend the agenda by adding two proclamations: Equal Pay Day and Arbor Day.

Councilman Adams moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 03-21-17 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Adams stated that he attended the National League of Cities (NLC) Meeting last month in Washington, D.C. The NLC is an organization of cities of all sizes from across the United States. The purpose of the organization is to advocate or lobby for action by the U.S. Congress and the President that benefit municipalities and to provide education to its members. NLC contains seven standing committees. Within each standing committee is a steering committee which comprises the working part of the committee. Councilman Adams commented that he is currently serving on the Public Safety and Crime Prevention Steering Committee. In addition to standing committees there are also working councils. Councilman Adams stated that he serves on the Steering Committee for the Small Cities Council. NLC’s focus this year was on Public Safety, Infrastructure and the Economy. The Public Safety and Crime Prevention Steering Committee this year focused on the topics of Sanctuary Cities, Opioid Addiction, Police Department Body Worn Cameras and Mental Health Issues. Councilman Adams stated that the Small Cities Council Committee divided into small discussion groups and that he chaired a group who opted to discuss public safety issues. In specific, the group focused on the discussion of Body Worn Cameras. Councilman Adams commented that he spoke to Interim Police Chief Weeks regarding the Torrington Police Department’s Body Worn Camera Policy. He further added that he reviewed the current policy and commented that it is well thought out and that it will aide in the prevention of problems. The next meeting that Councilman Adams attended was the meeting of the Western Regional Association. The principle speaker was Congressman John Parker from Nevada. Congressman Parker spoke of the environmental issues facing western states and municipalities and urged all members to attend a National Water Conference being held this month in Boulder, CO. The conference will focus on the importance of water to the western region. Councilman Adams stated he attended a presentation on the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the expected changes that municipalities would face when it would be replaced by the American Health Care Act (AHCA). He commented that as it turned out, Congress chose not to present the AHCA for a vote, but that it was an interesting presentation none the less. Councilman Adams stated he then attended a presentation on infrastructure. He reported that the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) presented a comprehensive review of the infrastructure in the United States and that they gave it a D+ grade. Per the review, all parts of the infrastructure in the U.S. are in need of extensive improvement, upgrade or rebuilding. The presenter stated that President Trump’s pledge of one trillion dollars towards infrastructure needs is a good start, but three point one trillion dollars is what is needed to get the infrastructure where it needs to be. Councilman Adams concluded his report by stating that he has attended 8 to 10 NLC events in the past and this conference was the most engaging, in regard to the information presented, of any he has previously attended.
Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the agenda with the addition of two proclamations. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read a proclamation declaring April 4th, 2017 as Equal Pay Day in the City of Torrington. It urged all citizens to recognize the full value of women’s skills and significant contributions to the labor force and further encouraged businesses to conduct an internal pay evaluation to ensure women are being paid fairly. Janet Bass with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) addressed the Council. She presented two other members of AAUW that were present, Linda Day and Geri Ogborn. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the proclamation as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Ms. Bass thanked the Council for approving the proclamation. Councilman Adams commented the difference between men’s and women’s wages in Wyoming is the largest in the country.
Attorney Eddington read a proclamation declaring April 28th, 2017 as Arbor Day in the City of Torrington. It urges all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to plant trees to gladden the heart and promote the well-being of this and future generations. Mayor Varney commented the State Forester will be here on April 18th, so the City will celebrate on that day at 10:30 a.m. at the Sports Complex by planting three trees. Geri Ogborn addressed the Council. She stated she is a member of the Grassroots Garden Club and every year on Arbor Day they distribute a tree or shrub to every fourth grade student in Goshen County. This year the students will be receiving a Nanking Cherry. She commented the club promotes the importance of diversity in trees and shrubs because some pests and diseases attack specific varieties, such as the pine bark beetle and ash borer. Councilman Adams moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the proclamation as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Cindy Kenyon, Goshen County Clerk addressed the Council. She requested Council approval of a joint resolution to submit an application to SLIB for BFY 11/12 County Wide Consensus Block Grant Funds. The resolution consists of a reallocation of unused funds from Grant CWC-11221 GO. to the Courthouse Grounds Improvement Project (repair the Little Lady of Liberty Statue) in the amount of $8,200. Mayor Varney commented there are two other locations in Wyoming that also have statues. Ms. Kenyon stated that the bid for the project includes $2,200 to repair the base of the statue, which needs to be repointed and a map of the stones will be made so the Boy Scouts can use it to earn their geology badges. The actual repair, cleaning, and finishing touches of the statue itself will cost $5,000 and the remaining $1,000 will be used to light the statue in some way. Ms. Kenyon commented the County plans to have a Patriot Day Celebration (September 11th) after the statue is fully restored. She added that the celebration would consist of a rededication by the Boy Scouts and the Rex Young Rock Club. The Rex Young Rock Club provided all of the stones that will be used on the base of the statue. Councilman Adams inquired if the damage to the statue is the result of vandalism or deterioration. Ms. Kenyon commented no vandalism, but the statue has visible hail damage and some damage to one of the stones and some of the fossils. Other than that, the statue is in really good condition, the damages are nothing serious. Councilman Kelly inquired if this would be an on-site restoration. Ms. Kenyon responded that the statue would be repaired in place. Councilman Kelly inquired if the work would be done locally and Ms. Kenyon commented a contractor out of Colorado would be doing the work on the statue, Ethan Fitch will work on the base, and that their own Maintenance Department will take care of the lighting. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve Resolution No. 2017-08 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Patrick Zimmerer with Table Mountain Vineyards, LLC requested approval of a catering permit for an Art & Paint Class to be held at 21st & Main on April 6th, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Councilman Adams moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to appoint Councilman Adams as the Official Voting Delegate for the Wyoming Association of Municipalities June 2017 Convention Business Meeting in Gillette. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Adams moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to appoint Councilman Law as the Alternate Delegate. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND ENACTING SECTION 3.04.208 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2017 REVISIONS, RELATING TO THE POWER COST ADJUSTMENT FOR ELECTRICAL RATES. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the Public Service Commission (PSC) staff asked to view data showing the formulas on the PCA factor. Councilman Law asked if the data was submitted. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that it was filed the day after the Council approved the first reading of this ordinance. Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 12.36.070 RELATING TO THE SALE AND COST OF LOTS IN THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CEMETERY. Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve Ordinance No. 1176 as presented on third reading. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 12.36.095 RELATING TO INTERMENT AND DISINTERMENT COSTS IN THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CEMETERY. Cemetery Sexton Friedlan stated disinterment charges for a weekend/holiday is higher to compensate for employee overtime wages and charges by other entities that are required to be present on-site. Councilman Adams inquired if it is not just a fee to dig the hole and lift the coffin. Sexton Friedlan commented that an interment grave can be dug in an hour. A disinterment grave can potentially take up to the full day to dig, it is a more involved, time consuming process because you have to be careful not to disturb the adjoining graves. Councilman Adams asked if an entity needs to be called to legally close the lot. Sexton Friedlan commented that a state permit is required for a full body disinterment and the coroner, Colyer’s Funeral Home personnel or other mortuary personnel has to be on-site. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Adams seconded to approve Ordinance No. 1177 as presented on third reading. Motion carried unanimously.
Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE BY THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, OF ITS SEWER REVENUE BOND, SERIES 2017, DATED ________, 2017, IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $1,046,000, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING THE MUNICIPAL SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY; PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SAID BOND; PROVIDING FOR THE PLEDGE OF REVENUES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON; RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING PREVIOUS ACTIONS OF CITY OFFICIALS AND MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING OTHER DETAILS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that this is for the Finishing Pond Dikes Improvement Project Phase I in the amount of $1,046,000. She stated that Councilman Law had a question on paragraph two of the document regarding the $153 contribution from the City. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the engineer’s estimate was $1,046,153 and that the City only issues bonds in even increments so the City is going to have to come up with the $153 difference. She stated this should not be an issue. She further added that Barbara Bonds prepared all of the bond documents and that the City is waiting on USDA to fill in the blanks. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker anticipates all of the blanks will be filled in by the third reading. Councilman Adams inquired if everything in the document is written the way it should be. Attorney Eddington commented that yes, the City has always relied on Barbara Bonds, she is nationally known, extremely experienced and to his understanding it is in good shape. Attorney Eddington assured the Council that the blanks will be amended as the information is made available. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that the interest rate has been locked in at 1.875%. Councilman Adams moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading. Motion carried unanimously.
The bills from 03-22-17 to 04-04-17 were presented for payment. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Adams seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Adams moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to return the Council to regular session. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Adams seconded that there being no further business to come before the Council to adjourn at 8:36 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment: 59536 882-NCPERS GROUP LIFE INS. PAYROLL WITHHOLD 208.00;59537 SALYERS,MICHAEL ANTHONY AIRPORT OPERATOR CONTRACT 1838.63;59538 SOUTH TORRINGTON WATER&SEWER DISTRICT wa&swr Museum 61.25;59539 STANDARD INSURANCE CO Premium-long term disability 1972.02; 59540 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE Select Flex Contributions 2812.32;59541 VERIZON WIRELESS data-tablets/mobile hotspot 400.10;59542 WY DEPT OF REVENUE sales&use tax 20940.38; 59543 THIEMANN,IRENE cr rtrn/final bill 100.82;59544 CASTRO, TONY dep rtrn/final bill 187.95;59545 KAY,JOHN dep rtrn/final bill 47.33;59546 BATES,MACY dep rtrn/ final bill 64.09;59547 BACK,AMBER dep rtrn/final bill 59.26;59548 ACCURACY INC duty&practice ammo 3683.00;59549 ACTION COMMUNICATIONS INC NNTN CR battery 83.90;59550 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC polyester slings w/2 eyes 88.96;59551 ARIZONA MACHINERY LLC knobs 42.00;59552 BANKER'S BANK OFTHE WEST INC quarterly lease purchase paymnts 65565.26;59553 BENCHMARK OF TORRINGTON P.C. topographic srvy&design-Frontage Rd rcnstrctn 4270.73;59554 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON duct tape, mop,foam sealant,connector,hose thrd faucet adapter,adapter,chain,bolt snaps,lap link,2 eye bolt, fence posts,casters-tables,2x6,concrete form boards,sawzall blades,insulation,barbed galvanized fence 237.89;59555 BLUFFS SANITARY SUPPLY INC black liners,twl rolls,lemon frag,tt rolls,window cleaner, sprayer 1049.87;59556 BROWN,CARL E rate analysis -water/wastewater 1337.59;59557 CITY SERVICE VALCON LLC aviation gas 9767.75;59558 COLLER INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED rotary name plates 67.86;59559 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. inverted paint,M18 grease gun 351.40;59560 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO 2/O Black 19 strand copper wire 995.63;59561 CULLIGAN WATER OF TORRINGTON Water/dispenser rental 128.00;59562 DANA KEPNER CO INC watr meters,4” pvc/elbows, trans.,gaskets,sleeves 7413.96;59563 DECKER,STEVE solvent,weed cntrl,wash sand,cold patch for streets 4621.55;59564 VALLEY PLUMBING & HEATING repr wa heater,rplcd heating elemnt-water heater 218.75;59565 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC lab tests/outfall001 permit wy0020231,annual wtr quality report 233.00;59566 FASTENAL CO liquid nails,antivibrate cush clamps,safety glasses,duct tape,washers, box blade cutters,charger,papr twl wipes,extractr,impact wrench kit,carriage bolts, bucket,hex capscrws, locknuts,washrs,irrigation shovels,hex socket&screw,sawzall bldes,sldg hammer 1171.64;59567 FLAGS USA WY&US flags 339.00;59568 FRENCHMAN VALLEY FARMERS COOP INC. blue def for baler 179.00; 59569 G & L CONCRETE concrete-maint of taps/mains,thrust blocks, 2123.75; 59570 NEVE'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT b/o duty jacket/pant 284.89;59571 GOSHEN CO TREASURER IT 4th qrtr maintenance/ repairs/internet/salary/support 48698.75;59572 GOSHEN DIESEL SERVICE batteries 440.00;59573 HAWKINS INC sodium hydrxide, blu drm 1017.60;59574 IDEAL LINEN SUPPLY mats,sam dust,enrgy chgs 17.18;59575 INBERG-MILLER ENGINEERS Landfill new cell design&permit rnwl 7393.12;59576 J - BUILT HOMES INC golf course imprvmts,crssvr const holes 10&11 23000.00; 59577 THE JAVA JAR Heartland express luncheon 61.60;59578 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent 75.00;59579 K & K COMMUNICATIONS alpha numeric paging service (elec mtrs) 12.00;59580 KRIZ-DAVIS CO deadend shoes,glve testing,alto lights,200 amp metr bases,wedge clamps,hole strips,100 amp brkers,conn,stringr cvr/wildlife protection,trnsfrmr bushing cvrs/wildlife cvrs,wedge clmps, bulbs,electronic sign ballast, conduit,copper black strand,pole set backfill system,clmps, holestraps,mtr base conduit,connctrs  7239.15;59581 LEITHEAD'S APPLIANCE CENTER fridge/frzer ice maker repair 65.00;59582 LIFEMED SAFETY INC heartsync pediatric electrode pads 59.38;59583 MECKLENBURG, MERVIN court appointed 880.00;59584 TOTAL TABLE TENNIS outdoor table tennis 4599.99;59585 MOOREHOUSE INC river rock 35.00;59586 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. Srvc Agreemnt-disptch serv, netwrk monitors 4783.01;59587 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC curb box lids/w plug,ball curb stops, galv couplings/nipples,gate vlves, vlve boxw/lid,megalug ju restraint pkg,comp  fem fir adptrs,poly purecore,pvc trns gskts,water pipe 3130.94;59588 ENVIRO SERVICES INC lab analysis/pond 3/ecoli outfall 232.00;59589 THE L L JOHNSON DIST CO flagstks,ball wshrs,hzrd stks,alum cup,tube flags,tube-slip yoke mower 2824.35; 59590 PINNACLE BANK USPS,ABC-NV B psi tests,heartland exp meeting food,trvel exp meals/ lodging/ fuel, orings,ball valve,recycle battry stacker,workbench caster wheels kit,rechrgable light, leatherman, pool wristbands,safety shirts,laundry soap,water value book,file folders,water filters –ice machine, tetherball setup,furnace filters,mop bucket,18 volt batteries,garage door,pants,trifold folders 6010.59; 59591 PRINT EXPRESS INC envelopes,business cards,invoices,insets for newspaper-golf,copies,ups 1255.38; 59592 QUILL CORPORATION 1095c forms,coffee,post it notes, zippr padfolio 75.57;59593 R & R PRODUCTS CO alloy solid tines 116.14;59594 VOID operator contract .00;59595 SAM'S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK pens,terry twls,papr twls,bindr clps,sunscrn,bankr box 504.21;59596 SCHNEIDER,BRITTANY court appointed 100.00;59597 VALLEY MOTOR SUPPLY valve met ext/ems,diesel exhaust fluid,lube,door hinge pin kit,hinge pin&bushng,battries&core rtrns,receiver pin,halogen headlights,md lock pins,air/ oil/fuel/ hydraulic filters,reflex truck shocks,steering stabilizer,multi speed belt+frgt/baler belt,hydr hose,clamps, cut wheels,co red grease,bearings,5w oil,canister solenoid,fuel pmp,module,solenoid-cnstr vent,stt lamp,spark plugs,wire brush,keystock, offset link80 set o-connect roller chain,2T undr hoist tripod 2088.64;59598 SMITTY'S REPAIR SERVICE backhoe rpr fuel tank-welding & reassmbly 304.65; 59599 SNOW CREST CHEMICALS LLC hot water closed loop contract 125.00;59600 DBC IRRIGATION SUPPLY pvc ball vlves,coupling expansions, coupling pvc ss,quicksilver 3347.59;59601 STUART C IRBY CO testing gloves 158.13;59602 THORNTON, ROBERT A. Repair door at golf course 40.00;59603 TORRINGTON FIRE DEPT professional services 800.00;59604 TORRINGTON OFFICE SUPPLY legal folders,tab file folders, pencil shrpnr,wall clock,notary stamp,wireless mouse,stacking tray,3 ring binders,toner cartridges,index tab dividers,usb drives,tape& dispenser,sign hldr,business cards,mouse pad,wastebasket,pens,adhesive hooks, ribbons-calculator 494.94;59605 TORRINGTON VISION CLINIC P.C. safety glasses 524.00;59606 CENTURY LINK  data lines, security data line 1243.16;59607 VALLEY COLLISION repairs on 2015 Ford Explr  2513.48; 59608 VALLEY MERCANTILE CO oil,tires 60.86; 59609 VERIZON WIRELESS cell phones 399.99;59610 WASTEQUIP/ MOUNTAIN TARP tarp for rolloff tarp 336.65;59611 WESTERN PLAINS BUSINESS 1099 Forms& envelopes 70.20;59612 WESTERN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPME LTD headworks design-finishing pond prj 8267.12;59613 WESTERN UNITED ELECTRIC SUPPLY pole set kits part a&b 488.00;59614 WORKING PERSON'S STORE safety toe work boot 149.59; 59615 WY CHILD & FAMILY DEVELOP refund deposit-conestoga rm  75.00;59616 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS retirement 54697.05; 59617 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 60.00;59618 WY DEPT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES workers comp 8219.67;59619 SALYERS,MICHAEL ANTHONY CC Air Fuel 331.74;59620 SALYERS,MICHAEL ANTHONY airport operator contract 1500.00;59621 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withhold utilities/ golf/phone data 1405.54;59622 DENT,DAVID A golf pro payable 733.23;59623 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY PAYROLL WITHHOLD 235.97;59624 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll WITHHOLD 1575.62; 59625 MERIDIAN TRUST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION PAYROLL WITHHOLD 3233.00;59626 NEW YORK LIFE payroll WITHHOLD  359.00;59627 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PAYROLL WITHHOLD 213.23;59628 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PAYROLL WITHHOLD 262.61; 59629 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PAYROLL WITHHOLD 230.76

Public Notice No. 6259 published in the Torrington Telegram April 14, 2017.