PUBLIC NOTICE - The Torrington City Council meeting



City of Torrington     )    
County of Goshen     )
State of Wyoming        )

    The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, April 18th, 2017 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present:  Mayor Varney, Council Members Adams, Hill, Kelly and Law. Also Present:  Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Engineer Harkins, Interim Police Chief Weeks, Building Official Estes, Streets and Sanitation Supervisor Korell, Water/Wastewater Foreman Powell, Water Systems Senior Operator Craig, Fire Chief Petsch, Deputy City Clerk Kinnan and Deputy Treasurer Anaya.
Mayor Varney called the meeting to order.
    Water/Wastewater Foreman Powell led the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Mayor Varney read a letter from the Torrington Rotary Club expressing their gratitude for the City’s annual contribution of Wyoming Community Gas (WCG) funds to their silent and live auctions. Each year, the funds are donated to the Rotary Club for a golf license; the letter stated this year the golf license went for $550 at the auctions. Mayor Varney commented such community projects would not be possible without the support of members of our community and WCG. He stated Torrington is one of the original founders of the Choice Gas Program. The two other divisions in Wyoming are Casper and Gillette.
    Mayor Varney read a letter from Pamela Pierce, an Eastern Wyoming College (EWC) student, who was the recipient of the City of Torrington/Wyoming Community Gas Scholarship. The letter conveyed her sincere appreciation for the scholarship and briefly outlined her future career goals. Mayor Varney commented the EWC Scholarship funded by WCG is one of the items that the City is most proud of. When the City started the scholarship, it was for the full tuition amount. Since then, the Committee College Commission has increased tuition, therefore the current scholarship is not 100%, but it is fairly close. Mayor Varney emphasized again that such projects come about because of Torrington’s participation in the Choice Gas Program through WCG. He stated as a reminder that the Choice Gas Selection Period this year ends April 27th.  
    Councilman Law moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 04-04-17 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Adams seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
    Kerry Bullington and Tonya Nepper with Wyoming Child and Family Development (WCFD) addressed the Council. They thanked the Council for their past support and requested continued support from the City of Torrington for the upcoming year. A few changes have been made to the Lincoln Infant Toddler Center (LITC) program this past year. All services provided by WCFD for ages birth through three have been moved to the LITC and services for ages three through five continue at the Torrington Learning Center (TLC). Both programs provide Head Start and Early Head Start services in addition to Early Childhood Developmental Disabilities services for children birth through five years of age. The LITC currently has 34 families enrolled and TLC has 66 families enrolled. In order for WCFD to continue receiving funding from the State for disability services they must show that the community is in support of the services being provided. Currently in Torrington, WCFD provides services to well over 80 children with disabilities. WCFD also provides free developmental screenings to any child in the community ages birth through five on a monthly basis or on demand. Councilman Adams asked how the actions of the legislature have affected WCFD and their programs. Ms. Bullington commented that it has affected them greatly. Their funding has been cut by approximately $350,000 in just the disabilities portion of their program and the legislature will more than likely also be cutting their dollar amount per child this summer. On December 1st, they will report how many children they are serving and that is the funding that will be available to them the following year. Essentially, after budget cuts, WCFD will continue to provide the same services with less funding. Ms. Bullington briefly described the LITC and TLC Duration Grant Program and the services that the program will allow at no cost to parents. The disability services that WCFD offers is also at no cost to parents. Councilman Kelly asked if other sources of funding are available to WCFD other than government funding and if private company contributions are accepted. Ms. Bullington responded that WCFD does utilize grant funding when available, but that their main source of funding is through Federal and State monies. She added that private donations are accepted and more information on how to donate can be found on their website. Councilman Adams inquired what services would be available to children with disabilities if the WCFD program did not exist. Ms. Bullington responded that within Goshen County, they are the only entity to provide those types of services, therefore nothing would be available to children with disabilities if their program were to be cut entirely.
Gary Korell, Streets/Sanitation Supervisor presented for approval Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Inberg-Miller Engineers (IME) for the Landfill #2 New Cell Design & Permit Renewal Project in the amount of $54,034. Steve Moldt, Project Engineer with Inberg-Miller Engineers addressed the Council. He stated the application for the DEQ performance based design (non-lined) lifetime landfill permit was submitted in September 2016. Since the submittal, DEQ has done one round of review. One additional technical issue that arose after the review is the issue of the unique water balance (WB) cover that has been designed for this landfill. The WB cover is a soil cap designed to store infiltrating precipitation in the cover profile during wet periods, and plants and the atmosphere are used to extract the stored water during drier periods. Though this WB cover has been successfully utilized in a few places around the State, DEQ is just now developing their internal review processes and what they would like to see from this type of cover, therefore the design for the City’s WB cover has yet to be approved. Mr. Moldt commented they have designed a 3 foot thick cover to be the final cover and he anticipates that the final design will be approved within the next week or two. Once this design is approved, the rest of the pieces of the permit that are being addressed should fall into place. The amendment includes IME doing continued sampling and analysis of the existing eleven monitoring wells, lysimeter design, grading and drainage plan modifications based on the City’s input, finalizing the WB cover design after DEQ review and performing edits after the technical review. This proposed amendment will extend the original 2013 agreement to June 30, 2018. Councilman Adams inquired about the additional $54,034 that is being requested. He asked if essentially $27,000 is what is estimated for the environmental monitoring that is required and the remaining $27,034 for final permit details. Mr. Moldt confirmed that yes, the last big hurdle in this project is to get the WB cover approved by DEQ and to finish minor technical details associated with finishing the permit; his best estimate is that it will cost around $27,034 to complete those minor details and $27,000 for monitoring. Councilman Kelly asked for a quick synopsis of what the City has gained since first entering into an agreement with IME in 2013 if the permit has still not been attained. Mr. Moldt commented that being the first entity in the State to achieve DEQ approval of a performance based design landfill has been a major hurdle that has been accomplished. The fact that the facility can be operated without a liner has saved and will continue to save the City millions of dollars. Councilman Adams moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Inberg-Miller Engineers as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
    Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE BY THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, OF ITS SEWER REVENUE BOND, SERIES 2017, DATED ________, 2017, IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $1,046,000, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING PART OF THE COST OF IMPROVING THE MUNICIPAL SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY; PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SAID BOND; PROVIDING FOR THE PLEDGE OF REVENUES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON; RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING PREVIOUS ACTIONS OF CITY OFFICIALS AND MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING OTHER DETAILS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented there have been no changes since the last Council meeting. She stated she anticipates all of the blanks will be filled in prior to the third reading. If the information is not available prior to the third reading, she will postpone the final reading of the ordinance until the project is ready. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker indicated this project is out for bid and bids will be opened on May 31st, 2017. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the ordinance on second reading. Motion carried unanimously.
    Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND ENACTING SUB-SECTION H. OF SECTION 3.04.020 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2017 REVISIONS, RELATING TO SEWER FEES AND CHARGES. Water Systems Senior Operator Craig addressed the Council. He stated the Water/Wastewater Department has come across the problem of not being able to accurately calculate sewer flows for commercial users who currently do not have accurate flow measurement devices installed. The proposed ordinance will address the problem by allowing the City of Torrington to calculate sewer flows by the best available method(s) until the user installs a City approved flow metering device at the user’s expense. He further added that something is currently in place for residential users, but nothing is available for commercial users. Councilman Kelly inquired about the wording on the proposed ordinance. He stated it is too broad. Water Systems Senior Operator Craig commented the wording gives his department the opportunity to explain to those specific customers the science and math used behind the calculations and also gives the customer an opportunity to propose a method of their own if available. Councilwoman Hill asked for examples of commercial customers that would fall under this category. Water Systems Senior Operator Craig responded that Torrington Livestock Markets and Huckfeldt Trucking are two fairly good sized contributors that currently do not have operational measuring devices in place. Councilman Adams moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading. Voting aye Adams, Law and Varney, nay Hill and Kelly, motion carried.
    The bills from 04-05-17 to 04-18-17 were presented for payment. Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
    Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to adjourn to executive session to discuss personnel. Motion carried unanimously.
    Councilman Law moved and Councilwoman Hill seconded to return the Council to regular session. Motion carried unanimously.
    Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Adams seconded to approve the Airport Manager Operating Contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
    Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Law seconded to approve the Assistant Airport Manager Operating Contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
    Councilwoman Hill moved and Councilman Law seconded that there being no further business to come before the Council to adjourn at 8:16 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
    The following bills were approved for payment: 59630 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o FIRST STATE BANK optional sales tax 54184.61;59631 CENTURYLINK airport payphone 35.00;59632 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC 1/4 cent sales tax 13546.32;59633 MCI A VERIZON CO long distance/911 callbacks 9.51; 59634 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power,monthly rita installment 544583.46;59635 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS INC. long distance 85.72;59636 CENTURY LINK 911/PD data lines, telephone TVFD 1530.66;59637 VERIZON WIRELESS cell phones TVFD 56.11;59638 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 356.27;59639 Void;59640 Void;59641 Void;59642 HUIZINGA, BRAD R final billing-deposit return 39.02;59643 MOORE, MICHAEL & JANET final billing/credit return 148.93;59644 STARKEY, ERICK final billing-deposit return 61.42;59645 MONTGOMERY, JAMES T final billing/credit return 95.93;59646 DIXON, SAMANTHA final billing-deposit return 14.17;59647 HAFFNER, JOSH final billing-deposit return 92.64;59648 JOHNER, NICKOLAS final billing-deposit return 98.05;59649 AIRNAV LLC renewal-basic listing on 54.00;59650 APPLIED CONCEPTS INC. equip-new sedan PD car/antennas, dashmounts 472.00;59651 ARIZONA MACHINERY LLC aerator rental 875.00;59652 AUTOMOTIVE WORKWEAR INC. industrial work pants,work shirts 159.90;59653 EAC SUBMISSIONS electronic claims submission 56.70;59654 BAILEY NURSERIES INC. trees/2016 credit 354.00;59655 BARNYARD TREE SERVICE tree removal-cemetery 2350.00;59656 BENCHMARK OF TORRINGTON P.C. city shop detention area 525.38;59657 BLACK HILLS ENERGY utilities 2006.54;59658 BNSF RAILWAY CO railroad protection liability insurance 1150.00;59659 CNA SURETY WY blanket notary errors & omissions policy 50.00;59660 BUTLER'S SALVAGE & TOWING tow-electric unit 7/street sweeper 975.00;59661 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. copier contracts 687.25;59662 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 1990.00;59663 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER cold weld,fence posts,quikrete,post hole digger handle,1x8-14 #2 btr pines, spray gloss,mouse glue trap,galvanized nipple,retrct util knf,mason mix,48” pointed end lath bundle,2” S hooks,masonry sealant,display box plunger,pvc grounding plug,faucet,valve box extension,2” pvc m adapters,slip pvc valves,wastebaskets,fir board,couplings,hose clamps,poly pipe,plumber tape,sander stands,teflon tape,nails,cable ties,drive screws,util knf blades,vinyl tube,utility lock,brass door&cabinet lock 528.13;59664 CITY OF TORRINGTON postage,kobalt wrench 20.59;59665 CITY OF TORRINGTON WY Community Gas Rotary gift cert/golf lic 423.00;59666 CONNECTING POINT copier all inclsv srvc cntrct/ mnthly chrg 495.77;59667 COOL CUSTOMS BODY & PAINT LLC hood repr&extension-2015 Intern'l Tract Cab 1478.95;59668 CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO strand copper wire 1593.35;59669 CULLIGAN WATER OF TORRINGTON salt 43.20;59670 CS CONSULTING calibration of monitor 37.00;59671 DECKER, STEVE fill sand,diamond pro,street patch 7686.00;59672 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. recycle crew, cleaning visits 5025.00;59673 VALLEY PLUMBING & HEATING inspect/repair water leaks,pressure vacuum breaker,slip coupling water 262.52;59674 DOWL LLC water rehab project 798.75;59675 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 191.00;59676 ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS & ACC LLC jet rodder parts 137.29;59677 EVEZICH, KURT L root stem 21.99;59678 FLOYD'S TRUCK CENTER INC. unit 107-draglink, steering 243.19;59679 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control 130.00;59680 GAMEL, CORRIE L PD officer/dispatch photos 160.00;59681 GE BETZ INC. monthly chemical management 7748.79;59682 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC monthly contribution 1980.00;59683 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 483.00;59684 THE HARTFORD bond 200.00;59685 HICKEY & EVANS LLP tariff revisions 2990.00;59686 IDEAL LINEN SUPPLY mats,sam dust fees,coveralls,energy fees,sam garmnt fees,twls,sam linen,uniforms,mops,toilet paper,paper twls,rags,urinal screens,liners 1323.79;59687 ITRON INC. maint fee-sread radio,mvrs software,desk dock 5133.18;59688 J-BUILT HOMES INC. concrete bulkhead & walls-#17 crossover bridge 4000.00;59689 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney 6000.00; 59690 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney extended hours 170.00;59691 KAUFMAN, LARRY A mirror repair-unit 49 17.50;59692 FRANK PARTS CO filters,black gloss,oil,grease fitting,heater hose,couplers, sander stand,linch pin,pintle hitch 417.72;59693 KNUDSEN LAW OFFICES Municipal Court Judge 1600.00;59694 KOIS BROTHERS EQUIPMENT CO black poly lids 955.00;59695 TEAM LABORATORY weed killer 230.00;59696 LARAMIE PEAK MOTORS LLC ambulance repair-replaced cam shaft sensor 414.37; 59697 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC cleaning,window cleaning 230.00;59698 MENARDS Void;59699 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. Void;59700 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. service agreement-dispatch serv network monitors 4783.01;59701 PARTSMASTER LED lights,z-disk grndr whls 92.32;59702 NE MUNICIPAL POWER POOL membership dues 2017 2427.79;59703 NEWMAN SIGNS INC. sheeted sign blanks 156.18;59704 OFFICE OF STATE LANDS & INVEST CWSRF 022 loan payment 13676.17;59705 OFFICE OF STATE LANDS & INVEST CWSRF 040 loan payment 6144.14;59706 OLSON TIRE CO unit 63-tire repair 42.50;59707 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 163.50;59708 COMPLETE WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES pager-single unit charger 55.23;59709 PANHANDLE COOP fuel,tires,tire tube,propane, oil,wind wash 11270.58;59710 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 382.00;59711 THE L L JOHNSON DIST CO pole,mower lever control 897.45;59712 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve non-insured employer premium 9635.16;59713 QUILL CORPORATION bowl cleaner,coffee,cream/sugar, printer toners,twls,foam cups,calc rolls,rubber bands,pens/markers,file folders,binder,shears,clorox wipes,envelopes 593.67;59714 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III. LLC land lease-recycle/Lic#805353885 Audit#BB-1977 1187.59;59715 REGIONAL CARE INC. select flex admin 90.00;59716 SPECTRUM ENGINEERING RESOURCES Cold Springs substation materials&service-line design&drawings 2770.25; 59717 RINGLE, DANIEL K Museum Contract Consultant 750.00;59718 SALYERS, MICHAEL ANTHONY Airport Operator Contract 1500.00;59719 SALYERS, MICHAEL ANTHONY air fuel 70.76;59720 SALVATION ARMY final billing-deposit return 150.00;59721 SCHNEIDER, BRITTANY Court Appointed Attorney 200.00;59722 SNOW CREST CHEMICALS LLC cooling water treatments 1087.75;59723 DBC IRRIGATION SUPPLY valve box lids,pvc ball valve,pro silver plus fabric,fabric staples 1493.55;59724 STARR TOOLS 5-point socket 20.65;59725 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium 80531.14;59726 TRAVELERS CL REMITTANCE CENTER policy addition 19.00;59727 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 850.00;59728 VALLEY MERCANTILE CO stud ring end for battery cable 3.18;59729 W A M-WCCA municipal/cmmty cmplx 4th qtr instllmnt 2500.00;59730 WALTON, JAMES H Airport Assistant Operator Contract 1500.00; 59731 WESTERN COOPERATIVE CO oil,reducer,unleaded fuel,dyed diesel premium,dyed #1 12259.13; 59732 WESTERN PATHOLOGY CONSULTANTS drug screen,urine collection 62.10;59733 WORKING PERSON'S STORE sweatshirt 32.55;59734 WY ASSOC OF MUNICIPALITIES April WAM Mtg meals-Adams, R. 58.00;59735 WY CHILD & FAMILY DEVELOP deposit refund-pony express rm 150.00;59736 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies 268.14;59737 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM legals,advertising 2871.67;59738 Void;59739 AFLAC payroll withholding 534.52;59740 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 434.71;59741 DENT, DAVID A Golf Pro Payable 1147.29;59742 FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY payroll withholding 235.97;59743 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 1575.62;59744 MERIDIAN TRUST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION payroll withholding 3233.00;59745 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 359.00;59746 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE select flex contributions 2812.32; 59747 WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE CO payroll withholding 32.70;59748 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 213.23;59749 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 262.61;59750 WY CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT payroll withholding 230.76;59751 MENARDS cleaner 8.98;59752 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. premium-ins admin/life admin 28768.56

Public Notice No. 6267 published in the Torrington Telegram April 28, 2017.