Public Notice No. 7204




Tuesday Sept. 17, 2019

The Board of County Commissioners of Goshen County, Wyoming met in regular session on the above date at 9:00 am at the Goshen County Courthouse in the Commissioners Chambers with the following members present, Chairman John Ellis, Vice Chairman Cody Cox, Commissioner Pinky Walter and Cindy Kenyon, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the agenda and minutes of the last meeting, seconded and passed.
The Sheriff’s report was accepted from Sheriff Fleenor. Sheriff Fleenor presented the contract to house prisoners for Lingle and Fort Laramie. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the housing contracts with Lingle and Fort Laramie, seconded and passed.  Sheriff Fleenor also presented his Earnings Report for August: $1575.00 and the Commissary Report. Commissioner Cox moved to accept the earnings report and Commissary Report as presented, seconded and passed. Commissioner Fleenor requested to add a control position to the jail since the jail is housing prisoners and need body cameras. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the Sheriff to add a control clerk position and purchase new body cameras at an estimated cost of $40,000, seconded and passed. This action is recommended due to increased inmate numbers, worker and inmate safety, and increased income. Earned income to support the additional expenses will be amended to the jail budget in October after proper publication. Commissioner Cox moved to accept the Sheriff’s report, seconded and passed.
Deputy Treasurer Bonni Christopher presented the irrigation certificates for approval so the Treasurer’s Office can collect the taxes on behalf of the districts. Commissioner Walter moved to accept the irrigation certificates, seconded and passed. Commissioner Walter moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded and passed.

The County Clerk presented Resolution 2019-11 renewing an appointment of a Special prosecutor for the County Attorney’s Office. Commissioner Walter moved to approve Resolution 2019-11 A Resolution Appointing a Special Prosecutor, seconded and passed. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the bond for Commissioner Walter, seconded and passed. Commissioner Cox moved to allow the Interim Road Superintendent Val Hankins sign the documents to complete the grader lease, seconded and passed. This new lease will save equipment costs.
Public comment was allowed. Residents Clerk House, Joanne Wade, and Matt Teeters spoke regarding local planning for the future Phillips 66 pipeline.
County Assessor presented reduction of taxes orders in the amount of $2604.96 and an update of work by her office. Commissioner Cox moved to approve the reduction orders as presented, seconded and passed.
Resident Pat Conway provided information on the recent tornado and a concern about dispatch.
Chairman Ellis reviewed the letter of interest from Carl Rupp to fill the vacant position on the Care Center Joint Powers Board. Commissioner Cox moved to appoint Carl Rupp to the Care Center Joint Powers Board to a term ending June 30, 2023, seconded and passed.
The Commissioners reviewed the new salary agreement for UW Extension 4H Educator. Commissioner Walter moved to deny the salary agreement, seconded and passed.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 pm. Departmental reports and minutes are available online at or at the County Clerk’s Office. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday October 1, 2019.

Attest: _______________________________
    Cynthia Kenyon
    Goshen County Clerk
    John Ellis, Chairman
    Goshen County Commission

Public Notice No. 7204 published in the Torrington Telegram September 25, 2019.